Well shes a woman so im guessing people will tear into her and unreasonably criticize everything she does , wear or say in order to pretend they are criticizing the game for the right reasons.
Well shes a woman so im guessing people will tear into her and unreasonably criticize everything she does , wear or say in order to pretend they are criticizing the game for the right reasons.
He’s a conan like character, based on greek mythology. His personality has always been way more fun than aquaman, aquaman has spent all this time trying to be taken seriously while Namor has always been written as being a jerk that does whatever he wants( and thats a good thing ) .
Its unlikely any of them appears now in the first batch due to this
What an odd assertion, he literally says that professional critics like himself get those games for free and it changes their perception. Why did you listen to that and thought that meant he wasnt one?
She probably had a condom on the prosthetic cock.
Rape is not just “a mistake”. Although you seem to believe that taking the blindfold and not the rape was a mistake
I remember that, but remember that in that era it was also far more common to have gay men that married straight women and then avoided sex altogether, it was just something people didnt talk about.
Completely connected, Kingpin men even joke about how daredevil is not a dude with a magic hammer or a suit of armor.
Im part of the project that those Goku animations were made for. Im glad people enjoy the frames, please check out Hyper Dragonball on youtube for more videos on it and even our fangame demo.
Xavin ends up breaking up precisely because of that, im not sure they could really be considered gender fluid if even xavin couldnt keep it up.
Misty and Danny are one of the best biracial couples in comics. I really hope to see her and her bionic arm on screen eventually.
If you look at the eyes there are dots there, so Im guessing they are going to light up in post.
What a odd comparison, why would they turn Black Panther the warrior king into a well known black comedy?
Doom’s Romani, people forget that, so making a character whose whole backstory involves the persecution of his people be racist and talk about inferior races is just baffling. Hudlin was the worst.
I honestly think people underestimated how much of the movie was saved by the people working with him. The way hollywood glorifies directors and actors getting high as heck during production doesn’t help with people like Trank that get completely stoned ( or so they say )
There are people saying that Sue doesn’t even go to the otherworld with the boys, she just gets infected when they return. Thought you might like to know.
not really, bra already existed when fat buu was attacking stuff.
that chart has a decision flow ont he top right with no “NO” arrow. thats not how decision flows work
you just took something and run with it to weirdass extremes. Some people dont like it because it feels fake or forced, i highly doubt it has anything to do with "african americans" and "culture". if anything there is a bit of culture disassociation here where people arent happy with they way something they feel a…
If I recall properly from the first one it was something about keeping his reflexes on the trigger finger.