
Aren't you not supposed to sell children an M rated game though? I don't see how it's a problem to tell them you can't. I've seen it happen at GameStop.

In one of the main quests, you have to steal some documents and from the Aldmeri Dominion rep in Solitude. If you read them, it says they want the Civil War to continue and the Stormcloaks ultimately win.

I'm talking about looks-wise. Fur, Studded, and Scaled look like crap. Not a fan of the Elven armor, Leather is ok. Glass and Dragonscale look more like Heavy Armors.

That's really it though. Ulfric is an egomaniac, he thinks an independent Skyrim (forced under his rule) is stronger than a part of the Empire. The truth is it would only weaken both to an eventualy take over by the Aldmeri Dominion.

I'm thinking of starting new characters in Skyrim. I played an Imperial and I basically do everything possible, I beat all the main side quests but still have Daedra and the main quest to do. I'm thinking of breaking it up into a Dark Elf assassin/thief/mage and a Nord hack-and-slasher. I'll have the Dark Elf be

Most people I know had them 3+.

Sounds like a good idea, but what's the point of putting a vibrator in your mouth for 20 min a day if you still need braces? Doubt it's worth the hassle let alone the cost.

I use Paint.NET as well. Haven't used GIMP in awhile, but just didn't get comfortable with it. Even saving and loading stuff seemed more complicated.

The GOP race just got a lot less interesting. And it already wasn't interesting at all.

I kind of know the feeling. I had a lot of the early Star Wars Lego Sets. They were nice, but pretty crude. The new ones today are pretty amazing (and expensive).

I felt the same. I got the bow, left, did the Fire Temple AND Water Temple. Good thing is you can go back and beat Phantom Ganon with the Longshot, thus saving arrows.

Is there a way to make sure I never get this? I like just moving my mouse over the top toolbar and clicking Mail to check email. I don't need to mouse over Google, then scroll down, then click.

I hate this. I liked the old format. There was the large area in the center that grouped all the newest videos by subscription. Now, I have to scroll through an entire list, one by one, of my subscriptions to see what's new.

GameStop 1, Best Buy 364

No, you can't say anything and be off the hook with "just kidding." Try it with a racial slur, see how well it goes. All he says is he stands by his opinion that what you do in Skyrim (sword-fighting and killing dragons) are male activities.

It's pointless to get bent out of shape over something like this. Just saying.

Women can't take a joke? What a surprise...

Nope, don't want any part of a "dark, gritty" Mario. Why must everything be made "dark and gritty" and why is this always considered a good thing?

You can always do it and then load a previous save. That's how I got the jail break out one (I also didn't save after my marriage so I have to do that again for it to be official).