A simple and easy way to do this is while driving. Let someone in your lane, pull over to let them go first through a narrow street. I sometimes get a little road rage but doing these things helps calm myself.
A simple and easy way to do this is while driving. Let someone in your lane, pull over to let them go first through a narrow street. I sometimes get a little road rage but doing these things helps calm myself.
Why horror movies and not another genre? Dracula (1931) and Halloween are horror movies but very different. I like suspense but not gore.
I've owned a dog for over 8 years. The only shit I've ever stepped in is goose shit when I've taken my dog to a golf course to run in during the winter. Picking up shit is part of owning a pet, cat or dog. Whether it's inside or outside makes little difference.
What's the point of having a pet if you're just going to keep it in a cage 99% of the time?
Cats eat eyeballs first. Source: My vet tech friend who is obsessed with cats and doomed to become a crazy cat lady.
If this were about someone leaving EA or Activision, no one would be claiming it's exaggerated/fabricated/etc. I guess Naughty Dog is everyone's dev darling that can do no wrong.
That's outrageous.
You give a dog food, and he thinks you're a god. You give a cat food, and he thinks he's a god.
Like all of Facebook's previous UI changes, I will hate it for a week and then stop caring since I spend, at most, 10 min per day on Facebook.
How about instead of putting a very missable spoiler alert, you just not include pictures of the figures which spoil major events in the series and let people go to the creator's website to see them?
The only good thing to come from 300 (graphic novel) was the Samurai Jack episode it inspired, Jack and the Spartans.
It can be whatever gen you want it to be.
People who are too dumb/lazy to write the message in the actual message field.
These don't even remotely resemble League of Legends characters.
"Any man who must say, 'I am the king,' is no true king." -Tywin Lannister
You can get a Vullaby (Mandibuzz's early stage) via Friend Safari.
This is pretty shitty of Nintendo. I bought a 3DS before the price drop and preordered a WiiU (still have it). I'd rather Pokemon X than the Ambassador Program games (most of which I bought and played when they came out). Give away any other game, even Link Between Worlds, but not one people will have bought an extra…
You can only get a refund on a game if you pre-ordered it and request a refund before it comes out.
Another neighbor nightmare story involved my sister. The woman who lives above her had the brilliant idea of bringing a mattress she found off the street (literally) into her apartment. Turns out it was thrown out because it was infested with bed bugs. The woman admitted to knowing and seeing bed bugs in her…
I'm still interested in a stealth game since there are so few. I'll probably buy this when it's $7.50 on Steam.