
Glad to know a date on the story changes - I’ve been off and on the fence about just continuing the story but now I’ll for sure hang on and play some other games in my backlog, now that a date is “set”.

Thanks for the tips - I’ll look into it! Not a single letter - just a small postcard-like item that was folded in half so time to do some digging on what it was for. :-)

I don’t mind answering - I had no idea I would be getting anything like that - I have never written off any debts, and I don’t own a home... basically I don’t hit any of the criteria to get this form. When I filed my taxes the only forms I knew about were my W2 and a form from my student loan, and I had both of those

I got a 1099 form two days after I filed my taxes... just got my return today. Now my conundrum is a) file a revised return (I do returns via TurboTax so hopefully wouldn’t be too much of a pain) or b) wait for a bill in the mail.

I was all for it, until I read it was going to be episodic. I’m out now... I don’t even really like FFVII but it was a good game I was willing to play again but not now.

I believe it - but I would have to walk away after every other death for a couple days, otherwise things would have died due to my very being collapsing on itself like a dying planet with the sheer rage my body filled with. Living things, not just controllers.

I got as far as the roof part. Yeah, the entire game is a roof part but all I remember is being on a roof and guys coming from every angle and at that point I was so angry and frustrated and just wanting to destroy the world I turned the game off and never went back. I blocked a lot of the experience out...

I’m looking for some sailors... after I hit up this capsule toy machine!

Mirror’s Edge. F**k that game. I fully admit yeah, I may have just sucked at it, but that doesn’t matter. I never even beat the damn thing. I played it for a solid month, my rage growing and growing until my anger exploded, much like the PS3 controller I threw down so hard in frustration it flew apart into a dozen

I’ve always wanted to go to Centralia, PA (i.e. the inspiration for the first Silent Hill movie, which then bled into the games) but I know that “fan tourists” annoy the handful of living residents still in the town. So while I desperately want to visit it, I also don’t want to piss off the locals... I would never

I love the Yakuza games. I’ve never beaten any, but I own all of them... even the zombie one (still wrapped in plastic). I get so overwhelmed in them with everything you can do I eventually get scared and quit playing them but I think they’re some of the greatest games ever made.

So yesterday I read the column about dealing with Chapter 13, and my doubts about continuing the story after I’d finally decided to just push through came back.

So I had decided when they announced they were patching the game to fix the story, etc that I would stop playing FFXV and wait. I just decided this week to say screw it and start it again. Now I read this... well, skim it. I don’t want totally spoil the game for myself.

I feel like I need to play the first Watch Dogs though! I know I don’t, but I did enjoy the brief week I spent with it before I played a totally different game. It’s just me debating knowing I won’t play this game right away, so would it be better to wait and maybe get it at the next sale... decisions, decisions!

I feel like I need to play the first Watch Dogs though! I know I don’t, but I did enjoy the brief week I spent with

Ugh, don’t remind me that I have a Witcher save on my Steam account that still isn’t finished... along with Witcher 3 I played the crap out of release but am still only 15% through... and Sunset Overdrive I started last week... and I’ve been playing Alan Wake... and Shadow Hearts... while juggling FFXIV *and* WoW.

Ugh, don’t remind me that I have a Witcher save on my Steam account that still isn’t finished... along with Witcher

I was totally going to wait until the Fallout 4 GOTY edition but for $20 I decided to just buy it - figured the DLC would get on sale at some point long before I even got to the point I could DO any of it.

I was totally going to wait until the Fallout 4 GOTY edition but for $20 I decided to just buy it - figured the DLC

But I just bought Fallout 4 for $20... and I finally started FFXV... This is why my backlog is so huge... :-(

But I just bought Fallout 4 for $20... and I finally started FFXV... This is why my backlog is so huge... :-(

Gives new meaning to the phrase “the terrible twos”.