
You’d THINK the couple levels in FFXIV as a cat-girl running around in beginner-level monk gear which was basically just a strap covering my boobs and a thong SOMEONE would have tossed me a free Hi-Potion, but I got NOTHING.

Oh, I don’t try to pick ugly people! I spend a lot of time making what I think are “attractive” female characters but maybe I just had terrible taste! Just because no one else finds my Au Ra cute doesn’t mean I don’t!

Whoop double post.

Okay, so I’m not the only one who has never experienced this. I’ve never gotten lewd mes - wait, maybe ONCE it happened, and I’m not even positive.

To quote what I believe my boyfriend stated once (who actually strictly plays male characters anyway) “If I’m going to be looking at an ass when I play a game I’d like it to be a good-looking one”.

What am I doing wrong as a female gamer that always plays a female character to not get offered free goods for services?!!

Used to watch Reboot every day when I got home from school, but it started at 3:30 and I usually didn’t get home until about 3:40. I would RUN home to watch it and catch as much as I could. I wasn’t even a gamer at that point - I just really like the concept and had maybe a crush on Bob.

I’m glad it’s coming out on Vita - I don’t have a PS4 so it always makes me happy when games I want are coming out on a system I actually do have (I’ll be playing FFXV on my boyfriend’s Xbone which feels like blasphemy to me - grew up with Final Fantasy on Playstation systems...)

Which is why my diet journal is always so empty. That entire box of Oreos? NOPE DIDN’T HAPPEN

We never had the orange juice, but definitely the fruit punch. It was no longer purchased when my mother discovered I was eating the frozen concoction like ice cream. I’d crack open one of the wonderfully chilly cardboard tubes, fresh from the freezer, grab a big spoon and turn all of my clothes red from the colouring

Jackie Ma! My buddy. Loved him so much.

I could never really afford it, but it’s been in my cart since release. So excited it’s on the line-up this month. *happy Yakuza dance*

So frustrated... found a magikarp outside work and the freakin’app crashed. I had him, too!!!

I was walking with my boyfriend around his neighborhood Saturday. I saw one of these rings. I started walking towards it and I looked up and there was a rather large man in an orange t-shirt staring at me from behind his blinds holding his phone.

Yaaaaaas Savage Garden! First CD I ever bought. <3 Not a fan when Darren Hayes tried to go solo but still bought his CD...

I didn’t know this was coming out on Vita... MUST BUY. I got pretty far in my PS2 copy many years ago when it first came out but like all things I stopped playing it... time to start it anew in shiny HD!

I actually just completed the questline to unlock Heavensward content on Monday, and promptly ran to Isghard and learned Astrologer. I’ve been salivating to learn it since I re-subbed about three months ago. Such a riot. Now I’m doing roulettes on my “beginner” job, Bard, to push her to 60 while working on the MSQ’s

I still own Metropolismania - so weird seeing it mentioned. It sits next to Mister Mosquito on my gaming shelf xD

The one and only game I’ve ever pirated was Sims 3 back when it was leaked a week before release. I already had it pre-ordered.

Same here - I didn’t need another game but I kept reading about this one and finally bought it. Wow. I played it all day yesterday. I’m actually going to be restarting with a new game tonight and I’m hyped about it. I just wish I fished better... it bugs me to no end so I don’t do it much.