
The people that played before day one patch discovered a glitch that had something to do with infinite warp cores or something. Kind of made it easy after that.

Takes a lot of courage to put your feelings out there, my condolences on the loss of your friend. ‘Tis never an easy thing.

Popular Mechanics rate it as the number 11 science fiction show of all time... hardly a fail.

Cancelled does not = failed.

“FAILED science fiction tv shows”?

I’d much rather have Donaldson’s Covenant or Mordant’s Need books translated to screen.

Was just thinking that is what it was doing.

I wonder if go reads the gps data through the server? That would explain a few things. I’ve had a good satelite and data connection before, then it would start saying no gps right before the blue pokescreen of death.

I’d prefer the 64 or gamecube myself... the nes mini doesnt even have battletoads = fail.

Awesome Red dwarf gif

One of the best reversal systems... still to date

Because not everyone reads these and knows how it works.

I believe its standalone dlc

Almost got Gat on sale too,lol.

Probably not to the person its happening to...

Actually its not, guy that killed my uncle didnt get half that.

For me it was all the negative reviews, if it wasnt for my friends i wouldnt have seen it. I rather enjoyed the movie.

Well... you see.. the affair all started with this game.

I was waiting for the poptart edition... hey, is that a caption contest i smell cooking?

Im not sure how i feel about this... i mean after the fact, they take it back? I dont even have an xbox1, but if its their error shouldnt they honor it? If you go into a physical store and its mispriced they have to honor it. Weights and measures sees to that.