Ice Cream Planet

The straight dude is keeping it flirty, one of the guys who isn't too interested (at least, at this time) is friendly and says I have a peculiar look at the world that he likes, and the department head has promised to go out clubbing with me one Friday or Saturday night, so… hooray!

I'm guessing it'll be 55-45 or something like that, similar to the Scottish referendum.

I have the hots for two people who aren't, at this time at least, all too keen on sex (one says it's because he's too tired, the other because he was dumped by his boyfriend and sex for him requires 'intimacy' and some semblance of love(ish) feelings), hots for the head of another department at my work, and for a

Happy Happy Birthday cool cat!

Thank you! It was a lovely day.

Oh Christ, thank fuck this referendum is theoretically coming to an end.

He was just a 'troubled loner.'

I'm looking forward to diving into that one. Ideally by the beginning of July, once my schedule finally becomes less hectic.

Seriously, just reread Dolores Claiborne. Even you said it was in the top 25 percentile for his work.

Fuck all the homophobic responses to the Pulse shooting and fuck the fact Jo Cox was brutally murdered.

Fuck yeah, short story acceptance!

You just need a cleanser.

Good News Thread

What Are You Reading Thread

Given her extraordinary talent, I hope she does as many different genres as possible.

As sad as I am to see the show eventually go, may it get a fitting final season and may Maslany go on to have a storied film career and win multiple Academy Awards.

It certainly explains why that album had such an angry, raw sound.

Sound plan. I hope you grow to deeply love it!

'The Trick is to Keep Breathing' is my favorite song of theirs!

'Dumb' is such a great, underrated song of theirs.