
A bodypillow and a vibrator fixes that for me.

So... ken kratz doesn’t like having his OWN reputation dragged through the mud based on faulty or no evidence? Hmmm...

For someone who is supposedly so privileged, he has really awful taste in food. I mean, you can get so much amazing cuisine in Mexico, and you go for fucking Dominoes? That makes me hate him even more, and I didn’t even think that was possible.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I watch New Girl for Nick Miller and Nick Miller alone.

Your reply is too rational for the Internet. Please report to 4chan for remedial training.

I don’t think I’ve ever agreed with Kris Jenner, but I’m with her on this one. We live by a famous person and the level of creepy stalkers is scary AF. Especially the guy that wears a black wool trench coat in 90 degree weather and insists he’s a motivational speaker.

[Not admitting I watch the show and/or know their names] That’s what Kyle (the woman sitting next to her) surmised. That it’s actually depression (which can absolutely manifest itself in physical symptoms) and not Lyme Disease. Which would make sense, especially if she’s also going through menopause. [/Not admitting I

Supposedly she went to MD’s, and when it wasn’t helping (again, not uncommon with Lyme), she started looking into alternative medicine. I’m not a fan of going that route, but having watched someone I love go through it, I understand. It’s completely debilitating and so hard to accept that there’s no solution.

She has something ... it also appears that she is going through menopause (seriously - hot flashes that she attributed to Lyme) is really depressed and wants attention. She only does holistic stuff, her coughing is fake as fake can be and oh. Just awful.

As someone with lyme disease, yeah I am tired but I manage to get out of bed and live a normal life. I think a lot of it comes down to your mindset. If I could sit in bed all day, I would be so down, but that isn’t an option. Also, the brainfog is way worse than the fatigue- imo.

I didn’t realize Yolanda never received a we know that for sure? When I had Lyme, my diagnosis was irrefutable.. 104fevers ,Western Blot, MRI’s of my brain at Yale and other things, and a sky high titer to boot.

Yeah, but Sonja on NY is a hoot!

The book is called Almost Meri’ed!!!

Falling into vaginas?


I have 100000% enjoyed watching Glen Powell play “Chad”. Between him and Jamie Lee Curtis, its been a hell of a (guilty pleasure) ride.

This is way more than 2% cocaine. Like WAY MORE

She is getting her bachelors and hopes to go to medical school one day.