wife and I really enjoyed it, and it even got me to read the book that inspired it (which is no small feat). wife and I really enjoyed it, and it even got me to read the book that inspired it (which is no small feat).
Please please please let this show come back and pick up where it left off, with the same cast and everything. It was a terrific show, with a great, woman-centered storyline. It’s ridiculous that it was cancelled.
I know that every one of the main cast women actors will find a way to shoot a second season so it might be a matter of timing when we would see it as viewers.
Omg, YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES. I have been hoping and praying someone like Reese Witherspoon would take note and use her growing producing power to save this show. Season 1 was so great!
the first season was so good and i was looking forward to a second season to feature more of eleanor holmes norton who is amazing!
I’m a straight, white, midwestern male and I loved this show. Everything about it was very well done. I was baffled to hear that it hadn’t been renewed.
Right? It was a great first season with a great cast!
Someone needs to pick this up with the same cast and script. It was a refreshing, empowered story that needs to be told in completion.
Thank you. I see that my statement is upsetting people. And I do want to acknowledge that I in no way think this is an issue with just that generation. I’m just so tired of these men, and especially the men who are tangential (Baldwin, Tarrantino) who have used their age as an excuse.
Also, it is a fact that politically and financially the US is in a much worse place than when the boomers were children. I do place a lot of the blame on that generation. They went from pretend hippies to corrupt yuppies. They decried paying the taxes their parents paid, voted for corporate interests, and now they…
What I’m calling out specifically is this ‘I come from a generation...’. I’m not at all discounting that sexual predators can be any adult age.
I’m in no way saying this is ONLY a problem. I’m calling out these men who use this ‘my generation’ claim. I’m fully aware that sexual predators exist at all adult ages.
I don’t buy that Alec Baldwin is sexist. He seems like he is just a run-of-the-mill asshole. To men, to women, to gays, to straights, to children, to women, to humans, to animals. Just kind of an asshole.
I can appreciate someone learning a lesson. He might still be kind of a prick, but it does seem like he’s mellowed out a bit in his older age.
I cannot and will not agree with you here. Boomers: congrats on being born into the wealthiest, most productive time in America and then whining for years about not wanting to continue to pay for it. And THEN blaming millennials for it! Gross.
Goddammit, Baby Boomers are the fucking worst. While sexual assault and harassment were more prevalent in the 60s and 70s, the boomer men were also growing up with women who challenged those atrocities and the status quo. Yet, all of these men probably think of themselves as counter-culture pioneers. STOP trying to…
So very tired if it. Also tired: the “I know about one woman who accused my friend and was lying, therefore all women lie” thing. Maybe there are a few people who lie about being victims, but you know who always lies? Rapists. Abusers. Harassers. Predators. Every time. (PS his friend definitely DID do it.)
I think at this point it might be better to publish lists of men in showbiz who HAVEN’T been complete assholes toward their female colleagues at some point.
The men who harass and demean women know exactly how wrong it is
Re: Wieseltier and Landesman, they know better than to call these accusations “pathetic lies.” Wieseltier, in particular, knew there was only one apology he could possibly pen and he nailed it. But that’s what makes it all the more demoralizing for me, as a woman in the academic industry. The men who harass and demean…