The President of Unseasoned Chicken is a Messy-Ass Liar.
We all know Drew would be back on the active roster if he didn’t fucking go deep so often. You can hurt more than just your arm buddy!
There’s no way any of us could have seen this coming. They looked like such a stable image of monogamous matrimony. Nothing is real any more.
They were mad because they had to leave their donuts and tranny porn sites to comes outside in the cold and there wasn’t an intoxicated man to shoot after he allegedly lunged at them with a samurai sword.
Jon Gruden. The Art of the Deal.
I’m actually surprised that Howard Hewitt’s been able to do so well in the league at his age.
Those sliders will definitely be delicious.
That cow is a boss on the Rugby pitch.
Tons of Republitard wall street types have been wearing wing tip shoes since like forever. She needs to get her put down metaphors right before she steps another foot into the predetermined-outcome, non-sport, entertainment, manufactured drama, squared circle.
Oh I see now. So explain why God didn’t allow Moses into the promised land again?
Now only if all white women would act accordingly when their votes in local and general elections mattered.
Just mainline it directly into my veins.
Gravity: But did he come down though?
Nothing’s worse in Australia than those pesky drop bears. They definitely know how to leave a mark.
“Colell never filed charges because she says, she was told by the school to “to accept an apology to not ruin his future in the Marine Corps.”
I really didn’t need that visual in my life.