That cow is a boss on the Rugby pitch.
That cow is a boss on the Rugby pitch.
Tons of Republitard wall street types have been wearing wing tip shoes since like forever. She needs to get her put down metaphors right before she steps another foot into the predetermined-outcome, non-sport, entertainment, manufactured drama, squared circle.
Oh I see now. So explain why God didn’t allow Moses into the promised land again?
Now only if all white women would act accordingly when their votes in local and general elections mattered.
Just mainline it directly into my veins.
Gravity: But did he come down though?
Nothing’s worse in Australia than those pesky drop bears. They definitely know how to leave a mark.
“Colell never filed charges because she says, she was told by the school to “to accept an apology to not ruin his future in the Marine Corps.”
I really didn’t need that visual in my life.
I want Jerry Jones to die in a helicopter crash while hunting for wild boars in Texas. Then and only then will I consider watching the Cowboys play football again.
If you need to go in and out at Costco, your doing your shopping incorrectly. Try a mini mart next time.
Z-Bo’s post game coupled with LeBron’s athleticism and court vision. Let’s see if he gets worn down over the season lugging those 285 pounds up and down the court every night. LeBron used to get dehydrated a lot before he switched up his workout routine and nutrition.
Won’t someone just really think about the purity of the amateur game in college???!?1/1!?!?!/?!! Why spoil it with talk of money and the NBA ? He should be playing for the love of the game and the satisfaction that he’s vanquished his opponents on the court by putting the round ball through the basketball ring.
No. No they don’t. They have an obligation to it’s audience not to air hate speech from this fascist administration. They are not airing an ad that says vote for me instead of the other guy. That ad is explicitly racist but money obviously speaks louder than morals for these soulless executives.
Now that they have discovered white supremacy, maybe they can give it smallpox and kill all of the practitioners.
“I also don’t understand the urge to go in blackface.”