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    I did something similar for my sub woofer. Instead of running a long ugly wire on the floor, I took a piece of baseboard and ran a channel down the back with a router then mounted it with the cable hidden in it. Looked great...

    BS - I have 4 plasma screens here at work that operate as interactive touch screens. They are permanently burned in...

    A interesting fail. I admit that I use Hulu to watch shows I normally would not. Its a nice fix when I'm bored. Most of its crap anyway so, oh well... #hulu

    Cool, unless you're drilling through metal and all the fillings stick to your magnetized bit... #clutter

    I have been doing a ROTH IRA for years now. It is one of the smartest things you can do. The money is automatically deducted from my account the day after payday. Every few months I talk with my broker and we discuss how the money is doing. Before you know it, you've got a pile of cash with your name on it for the

    @wiedzmin: Its not any different than showing a cool feature or app that is Windows or Mac or Linux only... Choose not to read the post rather than let it ruin your day ;-(

    I have one and I love it!

    Let's talk about Mint. I downloaded and setup the app and was very excited about it at first. Then I realized that it was totally unreliable as it was often days behind in tracking the deposits and debits to my accounts. Anyone else have this issue or a way to fix it? Its a cool idea but if it says I have money I

    Kinesis Advantage all the way baby... on my second one in 10 years now.

    What wrong with leaving the brake lever for the left foot like on a "real" motorcycle? The hand lever choice presupposed the target market is cyclists.

    Seriously, the only people whose business this is is the families involved. A dear friend of mine could not breast feed and paid $1000 a month to buy her baby breast milk for the first 6 months of his life. If a friend had been able to "nipple up" it would have been a great way to support them.

    Huh, minor miracle... I guess I'm *not* living beyond my means but it sure seems like it.

    Eh, that would be "Echt Cool" Eigentlich...

    FYI I installed Parallels 3.0 two days ago and find that Windows runs faster on my Mac than a nice Dell laptop I have. I wouldn't call the Windows apps or full screened Windows slow at all.

    Yeah... looks like a model don't it? Intentional just to make us chat? Accidentally cool. Totally unimportant?

    Wait, now, if we all read the book and we all plan our pictures does this mean we can all come home with the same shots? Hm... I'm broke... I'll buy someone's pics and pretend I went...

    I'm going to take a look at this for project task management. I could see how if each project is treated as a "class" it may be handy. It probably ought to be compared to Entourage's Project Center as well.