
I will continue to pitch my sequel idea to Remedy.

I think you missed my point, or I made it poorly. I am not suggesting that anyone cheated last night, that anyone “got away” with anything, or that there was any gamesmanship at all. I am not sure what the hell TC could possibly have been arguing about: the rule was correctly applied. That’s a ground-rule double all

No need to gertrude, baseball isn’t a contact sport and these guys aren’t trained to take off-balance tackles.

(e) If, in the judgment of the umpire, a base runner willfully and deliberately interferes with a batted ball or a fielder in the act of fielding a batted ball with the obvious intent to break up a double play, the ball is dead. The umpire shall call the runner out for interference and also call out the batter-runner

I can respect a regular takeout slide. Utley was even with the base before he even hit the deck and on top of that, he never touched the bag. This is some BULLSHIT.

You can take the Chase Utley out of Philadelphia, but you can’t take the Philadelphia out of Chase Utley. Seriously, fuck this guy.

That’s a straight up tackle with intent to injure.

Dammit, it’s October, 2015 and we still have to deal with this shit. Eventually, people will stop making jokes and laughing about a very cruel and serious subject. I, like many people who comment on this website, can’t stand hot takes; but in this particular situation I’d much rather read a strongly worded, over the

The fact that the first replies to this comment is explaining why a different class is now OP is a great sign that non of them are and they are all equally great. As a mostly full time Sunbreaker I find I have trouble with all the new subclasses, nothing frustrates me more than going “HAMMER TIME!” and then instantly

Every other class is always OP in the eyes of the others.

Naw man, that’s JUSTICE.

Are you insane? I haven’t played my hunter yet, but I’ve seen people use shadowstep to evade like crazy. The new super is possibly the most powerful one yet.

Ok. I love this complaining about sunbreakers when warlocks and hunters completely had dominating supers over them beforehand so lets make a deal... I will gladly give up having 5 -7 hammers per super if and only if hunters lose blink strike with arcblade dancing, and warlocks melee hitbox gets nerfed. i mean its not

Good. The titan’s supers were very underpowered in PVP before. Fist of Havoc was a panic super and the bubble got destroyed wicked easily. Now the Titan can fight against Hunters and Warlocks and every cries OP.