Ice Princess is the next Companion

“I got you a new gift, a divorce!”

Do men get gifts on Valentine’s Day? Huh. At any rate, he sounds manipulative and immature as hell, so pushing him off a mountain during a hiking trip sounds like your best bet.

I just bought a new dashiki and will be watching it dressed for the gods!

Angela Bassett should have been Storm, all others are pretenders.

And how willing she was to lay it out for the kids about how dangerous this was. “ They won’t show pity on you because you’re children.”

Phil and Harry get credit in my book because they actually served in dangerzones while the rest get cushy assignments that keep them out of the action.

He’s a solid progressive on most things, but I remember reading something about his being a 9/11 truther. ☹️

Maybe Israel’s current Government shouldn’t put me in mind of them.

And of course, there was this:

Your comment is extremely upsetting to me. I know nothing of Lauer’s kids but I don’t wish this upon any child. Finding out, along with the world, that your father is a preditor is probably very upsetting and difficult. I could not imagine being in his shoes. My empathy for the kids does not take away one ounce of

I love me some Captain America, but Bearded Cap takes it up to the next level.

Shout-out to Ann Curry!!! I hope you are celebrating wherever you are, hon.

I still love it. The scene where the guy finds out he’ll never live in his dream house was harder to watch as an adult. A lot of that movie seems to be about coming to terms with letting go of your goals which wasn’t the take away I had as a kid. Still funny and heartwarming though.

They look like they’ve just stepped off the set of Black Panther!

Looks like they are the team from Wakanda. All they need are helmets’  that look like Black Panthers mask and they are set.

I would just like to share the greatest uniform ever.