Ice Princess is the next Companion

We also have the freedom to kneel if we want to when we hear the anthem. Or turn our backs. Or dance a jig. Those people died for her freedom to do that too.

Killed by an Apple? How unoriginal.

Hey! That’s my home you’re talking about!

nope. not for me. but that may be because David Tennant was my Dr so Rose automatically pulls at my heartstrings more. Amy took me a while to even get attached to. Actually, in the end, I was possibly more endeared to Rory.

Yep. I read this:

This case was not an outlier for Persky.

That episode wrecked me for weeks

I have a friend who is starting Doctor Who, and she just saw the end of Rose’s run and was all upset and my comfort to her was “You’l move past Rose. She gets a good closing story. But you will NEVER EVER GET OVER AMY.”

No mention of the role she’s ACTUALLY best known for, Amy Pond from Doctor Who? FOR SHAME.

Including the Met. Not really sure why many Americans on this thread seem to think they have the moral high ground on this one.

My mom got me hooked on that show. It is the SHIT. Between the dessert porn and the hosts, I love it. And I find the overall tone of the show really refreshing - there is zero personality-based drama, no yelling and no tantrums, unlike on American reality TV.

well, i dunno. i have 4 siblings too and they’re pretty much my only friends, just because there’s so many of us and i can’t really keep up and maintain more friendships than that.

Hey, now. Ashley Judd has a masters from Harvard, so she’s pretty qualified for a doctoral program at Berkeley. And, she wants to specialize in issues related to human trafficking. Get that PhD, girl!

This is a great casting choice. I think she’ll be perfect as OdH. Both in looks and personality/carriage.

But who will play Judy Garland??!? (please don’t say Lea Michele, please don’t say Lea Michele,please don’t say Lea Michele......)

Okay, I am a little shocked at the number of comments about how Fu Yuanhei should have used hormonal birth control to skip her period for Rio. Lady is an elite athlete who no doubt has tracked her fitness relative to nutrition, medications, rest, etc. for years. Shouldn't we give her the benefit of assuming she knows

If your kale has a bad year you don’t go fucking bankrupt and lose your home and farm! Let’s not even get in to water rights, or keeping cattle alive in 110 degree heat, or citrus loss in a January cold snap, or raisins getting water logged in an October Thunderstorm. Let’s not talk about all the shit that can happen

I think the biggest issue is people not respecting the security lines. When they say they are longer, THEY ARE LONGER. I still see people try to roll in 30min before their flight and play the “OMG my flight is leaving soon and I have been in line for an hour. Can you push me through, I CANNOT miss this flight!” to one

My top tip: Be patient. Is it really that big of an inconvenience to wait 30 minutes? Turn on some tunes, know what to do when you get to the security checkpoint, and quit worrying. Enjoy slowing down for a second (even if it’s surrounded by other folks and not in a very pretty locale).