
If I ever saw that Sonata coming up behind me, I’d pull aside and let it pass.

Bullshit. Millions of people deal with more stressful jobs every day that matter a hell of a lot more than her and pay a hell of a lot less. No one says she needs to do it with a smile on her face but she sure as shit needs to treat people with respect.

Doing a show like this and having to interact with hundreds of guests a year must be exhausting.”  Then GET A DIFFERENT JOB.  

You do know that CFA has stopped donating to anti-LGBTQ causes since 2012 right?  And that last year they actually donated to a pro-LGBTQ cause in Covenant House?  CFA isn’t Dan Cathy and Dan Cathy isn’t CFA.  Time to get that through your skull.  

Give me an example of how CFA has acted in accords with their owners values? I haven’t seen them deny service to LBGTQ nor have I seen them refuse to hire LBGTQ or fire them when they come out.

Don’t bother. These SJW monkeys will make up all kinds of excuses for these rapist, thieves and criminals as long as they are black.

He had a open warrant

It doesn’t matter if Blake was reaching for a knife. The police had probable cause to detain him and he physically resisted peaceful arrest many times. They even tried non-lethal tasering.

So you find and vet the ownership for everywhere you shop? That’s horseshit and you know it’s horseshit.

Posting shots of your employer’s POS, while in uniform, during a video where you tell customers how to cheat the people that pay your bills is probably not the best idea and only an idiot would expect zero consequences. Girlfriend just learned an expensive lesson and she'll learn another one when her unemployment is

I know it’s fun to throw people’s opposition to topics in a group bubble like racism, homophobia, etc... but sometimes, some people just don’t like something or it doesn’t sit well with them and it’s not because the person doing those things is a different weight, gender, or race than them. You can find a black woman,

In 2011, 79% of black babies were born to unmarried mothers. Perhaps if black girls had more Michelle Obama’s to look up to and less Cardi B’s that wouldn’t be the case.

I feel like this argument is a deflection. Everything in it is correct- however, Viacom didn’t (or at lease didn’t say) they fired him because of the anti-white shit. It was because of the antisemitism. And that isn’t just words, that’s stuff that actively hurts and provokes violence against Jewish people.

So... Do that? And maybe let us know how it goes? Pretty sure it’s free to call in to his hokey radio show. And actually putting him on the spot like that and sharing it with us would be a lot more entertaining than simply posting a comment here.

Your definition is dishonest and self-serving, and ultimately destructive to the cause of equality

It’s not outdated, it’s just inconvenient to certain people.

You’re a lousy dictionary, because all your definitions are wrong.  

That’s not how the dictionary defines patriotism.

So we’re getting a definition that nobody holds to in real life and would make it so that Bohdan Khmelnytsky doesn’t meet the definition of “racist” because the Ukrainians were subservient to the Poles.

But that’s not what racism is.