Nah, bro. You don’t t get it. Young people aren’t voting for two reasons.
Nah, bro. You don’t t get it. Young people aren’t voting for two reasons.
I think The Noble Renard is saying voter suppression and corporatist candidates are the things that don’t bear the majority of the blame for what keeps young people from voting. I think Obama is right: it ultimately comes back to indifference.
pretty sexist to describe a 28 year old female journalist as a child
Chill, child.
Yeah, I jumped on that bomb too. But goddamn, I would never have thought that exposing your stupidity would be worth clicks. And yet here we are...
Obama could’ve pushed for true single-payer. He could’ve prosecuted the bankers. He could’ve not droned more people and deported more refugees than any prior president.
Love the video of the one chasing and insulting a middle-aged woman, all brave and “big boy” voiced, who turns tail when the woman’s son steps to him.
Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything
Well, here’s one dipshit who doesn’t fucking get it at all.