Joe I

The world’s not owed anything just because an exchange happens in it.

You’re basically describing stocks here.

Friends from College is SO bad.



Wait, I think I get it. Calling yourself trash is how men deal with the fact that they actually like patriarchy and misogyny because it benefits them. So they show shame and that covers up for the fact that they still want dominance. If you say “I’m trash” and do a little performative feminism, you can avoid changing

Could you fuckers get off your high horse? Stop patting yourselves on the back with this “Oh yeah, we believed the rumors before anyone else” bullshit. Are we really going after anyone who might have possibly heard a fucking rumor and didn’t act upon said rumor in whatever way you deem appropriate?

The multiple allegations against Kevin Spacey and Terry Crews’ experience of sexual assault have also been covered by the press, so I’m not sure why you feel you need to point out that men can be victimized because “this” has been dominating the press lately. Male victims are part of “this.”

Uh, there were no allegations (not even anonymous ones) on record and Kirkman denied her article was about LCK. And the origin of the story appeared to be a Gawker article.

Kirkman never made masturbation allegations against CK. She told a story about an unnamed comedian, people jumped to the conclusion it was about him, and she explicitly denied that it was the case. Thar’s not remotely near ‘walking allegations back’. She DID accuse him of hitting on her when he was married. Details

If this isn’t an A episode, I don’t know what is. I was wondering what was gonna make this episode so special that they would air it without any commercials. A few minutes in, my thought process changed from “They’re not gonna do it all in one take, right?” to “Holy shit, they’re gonna do it all in one take.” (not

It’s extremely rude to point this out. Also, I wouldn’t want to risk getting clocked by one of those hooves.

Nah you just became what you hate

I love how Hollywood’s go-to move when they discover a powerful man who worked in Hollywood for decades is a serial sexual harasser/rapist is to be totally shocked at this completely isolated incident perpetrated by one bad apple. They had no idea! How could they? They’ve never heard of this sort of thing happening?

No but having regret for the fact that you were wrong does. Which was also admitted. Go find someone who still wants the guns to drag through the coals. Fighting converts is not a smart battle.

It’s not unconstitutional until the Court says it is, and anyway, the Constitution is a legal document. not a moral imperative. Don’t try to change the topic just because you don’t like what’s being discussed.

I hate this thing with CK. Most dudes go through at least one period where they aren’t great to women. I look back on some of my own shit when I was younger and cringe, for sure. But assault, particularly assault as a habit, is different. I really, really hope CK was just kind of a creepy douche sometimes and that

My first job was at a McDonalds. I hated it. Not because of the job itself, and i'll be the first to admit that i wasn't good at it, partly because I couldn't handle the constant beeping and yelling, but the managers were awful. Rude, uncaring, condescending and very often incompetent. I quit after three months