
Men are not harassed by trolls online, it's not like this is very common and can actually end with somebody dying.

Sorry but her work speaks louder than her words and that is what matters, she is helping some of the most underprivileged women in the world.

First she is actually doing something about women's rights which is a hell lot more than most Tumbler feminists ever have done or will do.

This is what happens when people forget that the real world is not the internet. You don't use fighting words with strangers unless you are ready to answer for your words, and the last time I checked in America hell is a big deal.

How can a human being not know how to cook? Especially a man, if you are a man you are supposed to be able to survive, do shit and be independent, you can't do that shit without knowing how to cook, or do any of the shit that Abrahamic religions have somehow turned into things women do.

I always find it strange how people from Eastern Europe tend to not say what country they are from while Western Europeans always say the country they are from.

Man I really need to find people to do this video where I am from, because much like in this video it would be really hard to even get 1 person to harass you in 10 hours.

I quite the same time you did, the way I see is that we quit on a high note, back then the game was even kinda fun, the developers not giving a fuck was what made me quite though.

I find it funny how it was OK to rally against people who said that games turned gamers in violent and aggressive murderers, but it's not OK to point out how ridiculous it is to imply that games turn people in misogynists and motive people to commit violence against women.

Well from a pure health point of view you can read the report by WHO which basically says that the only way forward is localisation.

I wasn't really trying to say that if you are a feminist you automatically are against sex workers, what I was trying to say was that there are other reasons other than being a sexist as Daniel put it to not identify as a feminist.

I did in another response, I am talking about the push for implementing the Nordic model, which most sex workers organisations all across the world are against while feminist groups are the ones pushing for that model.

Basically England just like many in the EU is considering implementing the Nordic model of criminalizing the purchase of sex, which supposedly protect sex workers, France already did that despite protests by sex workers.

Oh the good old you are with us or you are against us argument, and you wonder why so many people don't identify as feminist even though most people should identify with feminism.

Well you can only make millions doing it that way, while you can earn billions doing it this way.

Friends did not invent the friend zone the writers of that show just included it and used it the wrong way.

Well once upon I time people had attention spans long enough for it to be expected that they had read the article they are commenting on.

Well I think it is and there is literally no way you can prove otherwise not can I prove that you are wrong so you and people can believe that it's all about guys trying to get enough nice guy points to get sex.

I wonder if all the friend zone gif masters actually read what he wrote.

People at Polygon are idiots, playing this game does not feel like being in a war.