
Having good chefs and restaurants has everything to do with London being the most important banking center of Europe and nothing to do with the goodness of British food in general.

Well you could try catching them yourself if you happen to live in a place where that is possible, I have never bought them in a store.

There is only one bone in the middle that never though it could be a problem. You just eat around it.

The internet has ruined me.

You guys usually have high quality ingredients and you do what you do just fine, it's just that I don't appreciate the taste you guys tend to go for.

The thing with eel is you can prepare it in many very different ways not to mention the fact that eel is totally different depending on stage of it's life.

Just like you can't be a Christian without supporting pedophilia, or Muslim without supporting terrorism.

Smoked ell is some of the best food you can get, my uncle used to smoke them himself after we had caught them in the river.

I think that mustache did the job just fine, but I guess his family somehow missed it.

Riga the capital of Latvia is just a bit warmer than Edmonton as far as google suggests, but it's certainly not a place most people would call warm.

You do know that Latvia is one of those places where there is plenty of snow on the ground.

Now playing

Out of all the cool stuff we have been doing this year you just had to cover this.

I think she is not blaming Jezebel for the existence of MRA's, but for giving them a lot of attention.

In civilized countries prisons and jails really are there to give the prisoner life lessons, via education programs and counseling. The best part is it actually works.

Well maybe it would not sound right in Swedish, but people would probably still get offended if I called their mother a bitch.

That is the only thing I learn in foreign tongues that actually sticks with me for a long time.

I can wait for the moment when I will be bombarded with the same amount of vagina tightening stuff as dick growing stuff online.

If you have not noticed there are plenty of human rights and women's rights groups out there the difference is that they don't usually work together and thus don't include both things in the name, but you will have human rights groups that have a special section for women's rights so it's kinda similar if you ask me.

I like Miku, because while she is fake she is more real than most pop stars these days.