
During the first season I was rooting for them to be friends. But that was mostly because I thought that at that point Ichabod didn't need to be in a relationship (you know, that whole 'he has a wife', but more importantly 'he's from another time, he needs to adjust' thing)

I've been slightly overweight all of my life (European size 38-40) and have been told multiple times that I'm too fat to be called pretty and too small to be called curvy and sexy. You can't win. Ever. That's what I have learned.

I agree, everything is better in small doses. I don't know why, but I find Fitz's character very interesting. I mean, there are (or were) many characters on other shows that have similar characteristics, but for some reason Fitz is the most interesting to me. I think it's because he's constantly evolving and, as you

I loved it. Fitz's smugness when it came to his intellect has always been an important part of his character. Sure, everything changed after his brain injury and he's always underestimating himself in every other area, but his intelligence, his genius - he talks about it all the time.

Season 1: adorable, awkward
Season 2: sad, cardigan-y
Season 3: *Captain Holt's voice* HOT DAMN

I know it was strange that FitzSimmons held hands while the team were in real danger, but that scene was a really nice moment between two characters, especially considering that their relationship was put in the background in the last couple of episodes.

I think this is the reason why I miss Craig so much. He just didn't give a single fuck about all of it.

People on the bleachers dodging the towel Eddie threw at them made me chuckle the most. I just love this show.

I always loved the relationship between Fitz and Skye/Daisy so it was nice to finally see them working together this season. I really hope that they will expand on Fitz's seemingly growing doubt of Daisy being able to think clearly when it comes to Inhumans. It would make for an interesting conflict and I personally

"Do we take this debris back with us? Study it?"
"Uhm… Yeah, sure. Have you been working out? 'Cuz it weighs like 100,000 tons. It's a building"
"So… No, then?"

It's Jemma, not Gemma. Please start spelling it correctly.

I'm very happy about Elementary, and to be honest don't care that much about Supergirl, but I truly hope they renew Limitless.

Yes sure, but I don't mean that Fitz would be the next Tony Stark in a sense that he'd be popular. I mean that if his inventions were used by more people, life of simple civilians (or local law reinforcement, for example) would significantly become easier.

Yes, it was. I don't remember exactly when it was revealed, but he definitely was the one who designed it.

Well, Cisco is amazing, but I think you're underestimating Fitz. He invented I.C.E.R.s, D.W.A.R.F.S., The Golden Retrievers, Zephyr One, Magic Window, perfected Coulson's hand and so many other inventions. On the mission with Ward he took apart a dangerous weapon while knowing it was basically a suicide mission. After

Might be. I still think that the team should respect Fitz more. I mean, they love him and all, but I wish they just showed us that the team understood how valuable to them he is.

Not really about this episode, but something that I've been thinking about lately is…

I'm not going to lie, I got a little bit teary-eyed during the "Spy's Goodbye". Especially after they showed Mack. Oh, man.

There ain't no party like my nana's tea party.

He just shot dozens of men
Through the kitchen door
Now those fuckers are all dead
They're going to the morgue