
I recently watched all of the previous The Grinder episodes and I just love the show. There were a couple of episodes that were a little bit meh but most of the time, generally thanks to the immensely talented cast, the show is amazing.

This might be a stupid question, but I'll ask anyway. Why don't they go to the time period before the 70s, when Savage still didn't know about them?

Also, Ward, Cal (briefly) and John Garrett from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Yeah, it think they will. His Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. reviews are always like this.

Someone's probably going to get tortured, though.

On one hand, I really don't want Bobbi and Hunter to leave Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., but on the other… if it means that the rest of the cast will get more screen time and much needed character development, then I'm OK with it.

The foreign aid helped tremendously. I remember when the war started, the soldiers were instructed to buy the gear themselves because when Yanukovych was in power he sold everything our military had. Most of our air force was taken from us by Russia when Crimea was annexed.

At first I was worried that they wanted to make Ukraine "the bad guy" in the conflict but thank God they realized that it would be a stupid thing to do. As someone who is actually affected by the war that is going on, even the slightest implication that we're the ones that want to keep the war going is really hurtful

I can't bring myself to care about this show anymore. I mean, I'm really trying to but somehow… I just can't. And I can't figure out why, since they seem at least to try to do something different (because last season was just such a mess), but I think the mixture of boring flashbacks and Oliver being an idiot and

After binge-watching Person of Interest I actually stopped being very active on social media. I deleted pretty much every tweet I had, changed my usernames on most social media sites, deleted almost all of the photos with my face on it. And I never felt better.

It's also birthday of very talented Iain de Caestecker from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., but for some reason imdb only shows his birth year.

I have seen The Fades where he was also really good, but not In Fear yet. Should add it to my list.

Bill Hader needs to be in more things. And that is weird to say since he's been in a lot of things this year.

I understand that this show is not one of the most beloved on AV Club, but I still think Iain de Caestecker from Agents of SHIELD deserves some recognition.

So, basically AV Club was wrong about Agents of SHIELD because the reviewer just couldn't stop talking about color palette of the show and based everything on what he wanted the show to be and not what it was.

I don't think he wanted to win, though. I mean, win - maybe, but definitely not kill. I thought he wanted to train Rey because he saw that the Force was with her. Wasn't that the point? Maybe I'm wrong.

I really liked Finn. Especially his chemistry with everyone. And John Boyega's comedic timing… I liked pretty much everything about Finn, really.

They really could have used Hader more. I mean, the guy literally is the master of voices nowadays.

Can't say I'm surprised.

I guess she's just not doing it for me. She's not bad, obviously, but I never saw her performance and thought 'yes, nobody else would be as good as she is'.