
So, I'm 31 years old but I feel like I'm in my 20s career-wise. Long story short: I left a PhD program because I wanted to be a fiction writer, and I felt I couldn't do both at the same time. The good: I've been working on my YA novel steadily, I've gotten several (unpaid, ugh) writing gigs, dabbled in Live Lit, and

This is the insane thought that sometimes keeps me up at night:

I agree that this whole article left me, um, conflicted but since my husband's very male dominated family will still say things like "Having daughters is awful" I'm going to take all the ammunition I can get.

He looks like every frat boy douchebag I ran away from at parties. Sigh. My Hunger Games fantasies are now exclusively focused on Cinna.

Oh boy, this question. In one way, it's really easy for me to simply answer "I'm Peruvian" because that is my legit, legal, passport-carrying actual nationality. It's when some people continue to press me about it that things get weird. They usually assume that my parents are Peruvian, but I was born and raised in the

As a Chicagoan, he's by far my most shameful crush. Then again, I've always had a thing for alpha males that curse to the high heavens. Damn.