The Constant Lurkener

Yesterday Trump said that at a rally in St. Louis, Missouri that he would ruin the lives of protestors by pressing charges and deluging them with his legal team. “Their lives are going to be ruined, and they’ll know their lives are going to be ruined,” Trump said.

Our ultimate opinion of HRC must take her husband’s record into account, and the fact looms quite large that his record on staving off attacks from the right on a number of things was horrid - media conglomeration, banking regulation - we know all this. It would seem to me his record on race wasn’t that great either

Who gves a shit anymore what what a perjurer like Michael Hayden says about anything?

Counterpoint: this is awesome

I’m a litigator. Sometimes I’ll do oral argument before the Court and think, “shit, that felt like rambling. I bet I sounded so dumb. I must do better next time.” And then I get the transcript back and I’ve spoken eloquently throughout it. Comparatively, I imagine Palin is like “nailed it” after a speech and then

My favorite thing about this game is that when you reach an unwinnable state, it displays a big banner reading “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.”

The only similarities between those two situations is the fact that water is involved. Furthermore, you’re getting stuck on the fact that the EPA had a disaster on its hands. But you’re forgetting the many more occurrences of where the EPA successfully mitigated, or averted, disasters.

I’m going to disagree, respectfully. It’s repetitive, doesn’t communicate much, and it’s irritating to look at. Perhaps I’m old?

I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a JD from New York University, I’ve edited two published law review articles, have six published opinions to my name, and I’m admitted to practice law in four states.

A Price Of Games Journalism

It doesn’t matter which company is mad at us today, or which companies get mad at us in the future. You’ll continue

By the end of its run in 2000, Peanuts was an institution. It had become an omnipresent part of American culture,

Are you allowed to push a player’s leg off the base to force an out?

Goddammit, we miss you, big guy. Now go win yourself a ring. You deserve it.

As a nail tech I thought the article was very accurate. I’ve had great bosses and worked with good owners but I’ve also witnessed people being treated as slaves or denied pay because of a customer complaint. Also other abuses like making the workers work without any pay, and the most pervasive one where workers are

You pretty well missed the actual heartwarming parts of Banny’s story. He was diagnosed with bone cancer in high school, with amputation of his leg recommended. He later broke three vertebrae in his neck while playing JuCo ball. He was paralyzed for 10 days. That is why #NeverEverQuit is heartwarming.