
Blackface and minstrelsy wasn't and isn't a uniquely American entertainment. There were European and Australian troupes and troupes from the US regularly toured internationally. And a quite racist blackface show (The Black and White Minstrel Show) ran on the BBC from the 50s until 1978 or '79. Blackface isn't an

I applaud you for acknowledging that and getting better.

There are Orla Keily bags at Target right now. Pretty cute. I should have gotten one while I was there.

Well, take care of yourself, and remember that you deserve happiness too. It sounds like a pretty awkward situation.

You probably should let him go be with someone who actually likes him then.

I was the guy in your relationship and neither one of us was happy at the end of it. To give you insight into his rationale, he probably feels like he needs to initiate all the time because he feels its very unlikely for you to ever initiate in the near future and validate him. It's a bit of a catch-22 you're in here.

As awful as it is, what's done is done. Now is the time to focus on you and your grief and moving through it. Leave others out of it. It's you and your dog and what you had, and what he still represents to you. The good stuff.

I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. Losing a dog is such a gut wrenching emotional roller coaster. My avatar is my dog Rosie who passed away 2 years ago and I still cry for her. I was tattooed with some of her ashes so that she is always with me. Here is a website with some good resources. http://www.lightning-stri

Big hugs. My dear girl has been gone more than 2 years and I still have a little cry every now and then. People hate it when you compare losing a pet to losing a child, but my mom has lost both an infant and an adult child, and she says, of losing her beloved dogs, "It was exactly the same to me." It's a big deal.

This won't be helpful, but I'd never get over that. Ever. I'm so, so sorry that things happened the way they did.

I'm so sorry about Hershey and so sorry for your loss. My dog, the esteemed Mr Fusspot, is nearly 15 now and I know every day is a gift. You've done just what I plan to do - have him cremated and keep him with me one way or the other. Mr Fusspot is my third dog, and it never, ever gets easier to say goodbye. The

When my cat died, I was a spontaneously crying wreck for months. It was about 6 months before I could talk about cats, that cat, orange cats, the color orange, large fluffy cats, etc. without bursting into tears. I cried at a green tin of tea because his ashes were given to me in a green tin. It gets better with time,

I'm so sorry. It's been 10 years since I lost the "dog of my life" and even though we have two dogs now that are nearly 9 years old, it's not the same. Sometimes, we have true loves and they can be dogs or cats or whatever animal you bond with....and it hurts like fuck to lose them.

I am so sorry for your loss! Pets really are family members...I know I'm going to be distraught when my little lady passes.

For gosh sakes, give yourself some time to heal! You have just had a tremendous loss- and it is going to take time. You go through the grieving process how you see fit and in the time frame that works for you and know that everyone is feeling your sadness and that I for one am thinking only very good, and warm, loving

I'm so sorry :(

Today was my first normal Saturday after leaving my abusive and controlling husband. It's been a little over a week since I left....and I feel absolutely amazing. I have no regrets and this feeling of freedom is incredible! I'm free! I'm free! I can do what I want without feeling like I am walking on eggshells

Wanted to add- when I said to ignore him before it wasn't to be mean or vengeful, by the way. Hope you got that. I meant ignore him in a dog way- not patting or lovin' on him and just being stoic. Gives you the bonus of physical distance until you can read him/learn his warning signs or he calms down and adjusts.

Since you are experiencing intense emotions of sadness and grief and likely behaving as a person does in that situation, you probably look, sound and act differently to him right now (things like your posture, gait, voice pitch, pupil dilation and whatnot). Maybe he can't predict your behavior as well with these

Been going back and forth between Jezebel, a video game, reading...currently watching Ron James, funny Canadian comedian on CBC. Terribly exciting. Rereading Douglas Adams' "Long Dark Teatime of the Soul", almost done. Will go back to some non-fiction after that. My brother bought me a biography of Tom Waits, because