
I already went that route many times. I did find a behaviorist company a town over and we are going to call them in the morning. I really do love the dog and I feel like this is 99% his fault bc the dog has had issues for years. He's not consistent with the dog and like another poster said, it's a tragedy waiting to

My mom and brothers have had pit bulls forever and they are sweet. So, I understand what you mean and I'm not disparaging the breed, he just happens to be a pitbull. That's a fact. I can't really watch for signs of aggression bc he has literally come out of nowhere at me in the last week. I know aggression signs,

Actually, when I'm crying, he usually comes and consoles me. The bites and near major attack occurred like this... One was when I was scrubbing a cup in sink, one was when I was trying to get something from under couch and the scariest one was last night when I was lifting a comforter up from basket to reach a towel.

He's not my dog so I can't control how he's dealt with. He's been biting for years, he's just started with me out of blue since my dog died last week.

I just wish I understood why it started happening to me right after my dog passed away. There's something that's telling him now it's ok to attack me. 3 times in 5 days after 0 times in 4+ years? I'm trying to google it but all my key words aren't bringing good matches.

It was a mix of my dodge and my dad screaming stop.

It's ok. There's probably no real answer for my situation. Either my dad has to take responsibility and neuter the dog and get him trained or if he bites or attempts to bite me again, I will file a police report bc I'm not going to live in fear. It's fucking NYE and I'm locked in my room with my dog's ashes laying

No, he's not sick. He's acted like this with others but never me and the timing is very interesting.

You are 100% correct.

I would say in your situation that a vet visit would help bc seizures mean neurological issues which can for sure effect behavior.

I live here! I can't not go there. I did just tell my dad that he must have Oreo fixed and in training next week and until then, keep him away from me. I've been telling him for years that he's an irresponsible owner bc he knows he has an aggressive dog who has bitten many people (including children, one being

No, Hershey was never the alpha dog. Oreo has always been the alpha but Hershey never gave a shit so I guess he wasn't worth fucking with to Oreo. Oreo would do things like taking Hershey's ball after I threw it bc Hershey couldn't move as fast and as soon as he saw Hershey didn't care, he'd leave the ball alone. He

Posted to groupthink but more will see here. Please help!

I don't understand how we feel it's ok to still berate him over the Madonna issue when it's pretty obvious she's forgiven him. She was just in Haiti with him and her son was hanging out with Penn. I'm not saying it was right, but if they can move on and make peace then why do we care?

"Seems" is the operative word. She grew up in an abusive household, either she or her mother killed the father (I forget). For some women, abusive men feel like home (for lack of a better term). This is all just conjecture by me.

No! When his mother dies on GG, all he wanted was mock turtle soup. You don't know your GG!

No! When his mother dies on GG, all he wanted was mock turtle soup. Google it.

Overalls could be attributed to farmers, laborers, etc looking for cheap work clothes.

Somebody better make me some fucking mock turtle soup NOW!

He just has a charming way about him. I've seen him on WWHL and other interviews. He comes across as chill and genuine. Yes, in the end, he's probably douchey but I believe that in the moment, he feels what he says. I'm not really a fan of his music, but he is an "artist" and a lot of artists have this habit of doing