Ian Boothby

Actually, “Eyes” is by far the <i>best</i> sketch of the episode. I checked.

Huh. I too saw it in the cinema when it came out and loved it.

The comic is a good story and the movie is a well directed funtime?

Glad to see MacLachlan giving The Hidden a shout-out. A completely underrated gem of a movie — right up there with Tremors in the now-extinct genre of “movies you’d find on the back shelf of your video store, rent on a whim and then spend the next two years forcing all of your friends to watch.”

I wouldn’t Grantham parole either.

Nah.  He made some good ones just after that.  He should have stopped at 25 like DiCaprio.

. . . it’s totally OK if that’s how you want to spend your time?

...then you’ve probably remember to enjoy life.

Warner Bros. Discovery is no longer satisfied with just cancelling their own films, is now going after others.

some film festival no one cares about

“But remember that the Marvel actors have always tended to be prickly about the subject.”

But it’s also true, whether Downey meant that or not. The truth generally wins. Unlike the director's statement that Superhero movies are cultural genocide, which is ridiculous. 

I think he is saying a guy whose language is the result of a country being the recipient of mass cultural genocide (Spain to Mexico) maybe should understand how silly he sounds with that statement.

*the ghost of George Clooney now floats away into space....*

It was queen bee catty. It’s also pretty dumb to attach genocide to MCU movies.

Yeah, that was a bizarrely terrible thing to say.

I like it. It’s not a high concept show like The Good Place or Community, but it’s a perfectly good family sitcom with actors who are old pros.

It’s imperfect, but by FAR the best of the Sequel Trilogy. It was unexpected, beautiful, frustrating, thrilling, and, you know, we’re still talking about it. When was the last time anyone mentioned Rise of the Skywalker or whatever the fuck?

Also, and this isn’t directed at you, oh stop it. No comedies being released any more? Off the top of my head, Bodies Bodies Bodies, Bullet Train, and Easter Sunday are in theaters now, and The Lost City was a fairly large and well loved hit movie not that long ago (to say nothing of the kids movies that are out; I

depends on your job and country. Not all us Normal People live like that. 

Yeah, that’s kind of the whole point. The Addams never inflict harm on non-Addams in any meaningful way unless they’re abject horrors (like a serial killer). It’s a really aggressive misunderstanding of the whole Addams appeal.