Ian Boothby

The thing is, there’s no need to “re”-canonize it. The last official word was that it is canon, & the show hasn’t actually been contradicted since then. They shouldn’t have to repeatedly re-announce whether it’s canon unless something changes from before.

Well yes, but the internet (particularly social media sites like Twitter) made it possible for any old cyber sleuth to rake through old stuff and start the next hashtag. Used to be you had to get a job writing for a tabloid rag or at least back in the pre-social days, a site like TMZ.

You’re in the wrong aisle. CNN is your go-to example here, not a tabloid.

I definitely interpreted that song as being more about the never-ending need for public figures to scourge themselves for past jokes and missteps, and the near religious fervor for people having completely unproblematic pasts.

I know this site’s been trending this way for a while, but this week especially, it’s stopped feeling like an entertainment site, and started feeling like a visit to the morality police, so I might have remove to my bookmark and stop visiting for the first time since 2001. That’s okay! Things change. I guess I just

Doyle is an ass, and you’re right in what you say about him, but the previous poster is correct about how poorly this article is written, in its unexplained references to the guy (I only knew he’s the G&M’s crappy TV hack because I’m Canadian) and to the frequently-cited-but-unlinked article that apparently provoked

This did it. This was the one. I am submitting my resignation from Twitter and kinja.

AV Club newsroom this morning when seeing the post:

It’s a good apology. Mine would probably sound like:

I love how the article tries to insinuate that it was terrible that she took a week to respond to this manufactured controversy. Y’all ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

I think Archer’s creative team could make it funny.

I just fucking hate seeing talent people waste their time and energies on these projects.

But it’s hard to feel bad for James Gunn or Ryan Coogler not getting to do the movies they want to do when they’re both clearly, incredibly invested in making these exact movies. 

Yeah, I’d reckon most pageants in the South and Midwest have racist as hell roots. But I’m not going to blame kids and socially-obligated young adults for participating in something that lost its racist overtones decades ago.

Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.

“At that age [19], teenagers are mature enough to know what they’re being part of.”

Leaving the cinema

The Snyder cut of Justice League is wildly indulgent and melodramatic, but there’s a lot of fun to be had in its grand spectacle.”

A worthwhile (but oft overlooked) side note of this movie is that its heroes had public safety in mind a full year before the Man of Steel fiasco. Oh sure, there’s TONS of destruction in the last half hour, but Cap’s overall plan is built around containing the attack and getting citizens to safety. It’s a bit of