Ian Boothby

The more I think about and watch it, the more it becomes my favourite movie with the best message about getting your act together, dealing with denial and not hurting the people you care about. Can’t think of another film that says self respect is more important than love.

The first season was fine. 

Looking forward to their sexy violent take on Encyclopedia Brown. 

There is no excuse for donning Blackface.” That’s not how art works. You can and should debate it, not buy it, not support it, make your own work to counter it, but saying there’s no reason for a subject ever to exist for any reason never works out.

No. Shore got where he did because of whose son he was a created a so dumb he was smart burnout character. Pete plays himself and is openly honest about his struggles which connects with people. He’s a unique voice and not for everyone. This movie is a really good showcase for him and the best Apatow has been in a

Joker is a movie about a white man who’s treated so badly by society that he becomes even whiter.

So in this universe the original Rick and Morty are dead. Mom might be a clone and Jerry could have been switched with another a while back. Only Summer is for sure the original in this world. 

The play is much more disturbing than the tv show. But I don’t know how you can warn people without spoiling a climactic scene. 

She’s so much funnier than you. 

Walk your way over to a better joke book. 

You seem like a would be comedian. Amanda is an actual comedian. That’s why she’s funnier than you, even going through all this. And she would never post something like you just did, because she’s also a better person than you.

You assume most people working paycheck to paycheck have an emergency fund for occasions such as a lift damaging their spine? Your assumption is wrong.

When are we going to see a Doc Savage/Dan Savage team up?

The best DC Universe film since Wonder Woman. And the only one so far with a solid third act. The tone was all over the place like most DC films especially with a way too gruesome Black Mask scene off the top. It felt like the office massacre in Shazam!, something from a very different movie. 

Dear AVClub, less of this kind of thing please. Thank you. 

It’s nice that Black Lightning is finally in the Super Friends. They created the knock off version, Black Vulcan back in the day to avoid paying his creators Tony Isabella and Trevor Von Eeden.

Star Wars is best when taken as a stand alone movie that ends when the movie does. Empire is great and there’s a lot to love about the other movies and TV series but the first film is already a complete story and anything added to it gets in the way of that.

Mick Jagger?

You know how when you’re watching Die Hard at 8pm on regular television they cut out the word, “Motherfucker”? Well, here they just cut out the motherfucker.

Well that was all kinds of good. More please.