Ian Boothby

The problem with ending things with Logan is it shows Professor X’s dream was wrong. People were right to be scared of mutants when even the best of them loses control and kills innocent people. 

Swamp Thing was defeated by a Tax Thing.

The Jonathan Coulton animated shorts have all been great, missed having on this week. 

I prefer AVClub’s earlier work. 

The rat was probably A time travelling Loki. 

So what did the soul stone do again? They needed to have it, they sacrificed for it, but what did anyone use it for?

A good couple’s costume along with sweatpants Spider-Man. 

I liked that even at his most depressed, Thor was still battling trolls, even if they were just online ones. 

It was still better than Letterman and Leno’s last few years. 

I think we need to just admit netflix has way more misses than hits.” So it’s like TV. And film. And music. And food. And comments on the internet. 

Fine, as long as they bring back Darwin. That guy got a raw deal. 

That PIXAR lamp isn’t the only one that shines a light in the dark. 

Ultron is supposed to be a sentient being created partly out of the minds of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, but that doesn’t quite explain why we see an all-powerful robot having rageful breakdowns.” You don’t see why someone who is part Hulk and part PTSD suffering Stark is having rageful breakdowns?

“That’s not funny, stop laughing!” isn’t a real good look for anyone. Sorry you didn’t like the film. Hope you enjoyed some of the others. 

Maybe just finish working on your “Clickbait: The Motion Picture” script and stop writing stuff like this. 

Audiences I’ve seen watching it feel different. They’ve won the Oscar for this award previously so maybe it’s you. 

“Could they too split the vote, leading to a victory for the odd short in, the groan-worthy one-joke group therapy comedy ‘Animal Behaviour’?” I’ve seen this shown to couple of very different audiences and there are solid laughs throughout. Bao as beautiful as it is, is an actual one joke short. It’s a great joke but

The AVClub and Donald Trump basically gave the same review. 

It’s not about politics. Maybe it once was but now it’s about supporting bigotry. If you wouldn’t let someone in with a racist shirt then same deal with the hat.

So what if we put the punchline in the headline for this? Will that ruin it for anyone? No? Okay.