Ian Boothby

I say pick up Sparks! www.SparksComic.com

This belongs in The Onion.

Sounds good. Shorten talk show, lengthen podcasts!

Now playing

Really liked him in Bernard and the Genie.

Sorry his sit-com didn’t make it but I’m glad his sit-com didn’t make it. This was great!

Nothing’s dead forever.

Nothing’s dead forever. Back to being comic books and video games for a while. I’m sure there’ll be a VR experience before you know it.

AOS bumped for Trump’s speech. Hydra wins again.

Not enough Wonder Twins.

Thank you for the generosity.

Nicolas Rowe plays a movie version of Sherlock again in a cameo in Ian McKellen’s Mr. Holmes.

Shooting it like a film but kills the conversation. I’d rather just listen to a podcast with the same guest. Maybe an audio only version would be better.

Some say if O.J. had done that Simpsons episode it would have been Dr. Joyce Brothers that committed the murders.

But reality TV can endanger the world.

Down with Fun!

Heidi Gardner isn’t getting a lot of screen time but damn she makes the most of it.

She’s the best.

To be fair, he also loses it every time the McRib goes away.

Trump has announced that’s he’s actually just an episode of Black Mirror.

Luke’s Jedi Academy was the Trump University of its day.