
It's the choice to use USB 2 that baffles me. If they had chosen USB 3, there would be no problem. 3 is faster than what all but a handful of drives can do, and is faster than most internal drive connections anyway. I don't mind the idea of having to buy your own storage, but give us the right port to do it with.

I believe I can, at least for being able to load content from the HDD.

Oh yeah, TMP was drop dead gorgeous. I wish they had kept the transporter effect from TMP, it never ages one bit.

I didn't even notice those! Funniest thing I've read all day! Thanks for telling me about them.


I did not get that from the video. Quite the opposite, since they say that your ID will be usable across future systems and the 3DS. Since you will be able to use your ID with other systems, it seems logical to assume that you can also transfer between Wii U consoles.

None, really. If she wants a boring Prius go right for it. And if she has a point about needing a less exciting car for say, a family car, then that is fine.

Thanks for the warning. I'll look out for him next time.

Care to elaborate?

So like PSN and Xbox Live.

I think the orange tinge early in the movie was meant to be the light from the sun of the solar system they were in. But the lighting was still just off.

This. Halo 2 took everything Halo 1 did well and cranked it up to 11. The graphics were mind blowing for the time, it still has the best multiplayer maps, and I think the story had a lot more depth than any so far (caveat: haven't been able to play Halo 4 much yet, so that story may be better). some of my fondest

True, but there was still some overlap in earlier halos and it worked out fine. The Covenant carbine played roughly the same role as the battle rifle, but different enough to make it worth having both in. Ditto with the plasma rifles versus the smg. Both are small, dual wield weapons with rapid fire, but you played


I'm amazed. Microsoft use to be a necessary evil in my book, but now they are putting out some amazing stuff. I love the Windows phone and I think I'll get one next update cycle. Windows 8 looks awesome for tablets(still missing the start menu for Desktops, but someone will hack that in). I love how they are making

No, what he is saying is that it would be wrong for Google to accept payment to rank your website higher in it's search results unless Google tells people that they were paid for it. A similar example would be a movie review website ranking a film as the best ever made, without mentioning that the people who made the

I hate flash too, but there are still good websites that use it. Home Star Runner comes to mind. I want it dead and buried, but it will still need some support for a while

I fully agree with that, but he was let down by the movies he worked on. Goldeneye showed how amazing he could be: a troubled man dealing with personal demons who still manages to be suave and tough. Plus he always gets the girl. And the film also managed to deal with the collapse of the Soviet Union. I think

How can a normal gun fire underwater? Doesn't the gun powder require oxygen to react?
