Sex Goddess Lindsay 69

So what kind of pizza topping was that, anyhow? It looked like Fruity Pepples. And because this is Gilmore Girls, I'm not convinced that it wasn't.

Marathoned through the entire season and that picture reminds me of Andy's stomach (or was it his back?) with notes written all over it.

Any, uh, adult animated series? Like The Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park, Futurama, all those on FX… I tried with all of them and a few others. I am unable get into them.

I'm not much of a shipper. It would probably take one hand to count the amount of times I have truly become shipper in my lifetime of watching an unhealthy amount of television.

Namely the second point VoicOff stated, and I hate to go all primary school with my insult but: he has stupid face.

Not that it would happen… But I would be okay with that.

Admittedly, I still watch this. I tapered off a few seasons ago where it became purely background sound while I do something else. Not sure when it happened, but it grabbed my interest again sometime within the last couple seasons. At least to the point where I will actually sort of watch the episodes; although I feel

With the cancellation of Community, nothing can make me hit a new low short of announcing that Mad Men will be cancelled halfway through it's final season.

Troy and Abed are in mourning.

I always thought some of her contempt for Jess was because that relationship [Rory and Jess] was when Lorelai first noticed a major flaw in Rory.

He could, but that would mean Dean wouldn't be the worst and that would just be unfactual.

As evident in the series finale.

I would recommend the book to anyone. Easily the best sports related book I have read (or right there with "Played their Hearts Out" — which is essentially the basketball version of "Friday Night Lights"). Probably one of my favorite non fictions.

Her delivery in that and the "I was not!" to Abed, suggesting she was about to kiss lean, was different than perhaps any other lines she has done in the show. Definitely caught my attention.