
Chris Burden was a great American artist. I helped him install/exhibit the B-Car at the Whitney. He once staged a tug of war in a circus tent in Milan: 5 Fiats vs. a Caterpillar Bulldozer. Despite his fearsome reputation [being shot/sealed in a mailbag and tossed on a busy street/shooting at 747’s with a .22] he was

…Ribbed for everyone’s pleasure…less miles than a jazz haters club…

Come on! That thing would last about an afternoon in NYC. Like the Amphicar, crappy car/crappy boat, this thing is terrible car [bike wheels?] and worse airplane [underpowered, draggy, and ugly airframe]. This video is why I hate soundtrack music. Play it without sound and see just how lame the whole deal is. I'm

Great article! Always liked the twin canopy bug look. How about an article on the C-123?

Mr. Torchinsky:

Four door Chevette [in Instanbul, of all places] two weeks ago. This country used to be lousy with them...

I fly gliders, and you want nice thermals, or some sort of geography-wave effect to get lift. Why that day? They flew in the rain, bounced around in each other's wake turbulence, and really didn't get very high. Our guy seemed justifiably stressed, as if being towed aloft by a Russian Biplane with four other

I love this! The Pats are masters of the dark arts. Like NASCAR, if you're not cheating, you're not trying. Why not? I think it's brilliant.

That bike looks like a toy. But. It's. Not.

Leaf. Leaf. Not Leaves. Jeeze.

Yes, I agree with rsignal. The headwind kept him high, you can even see him drop the nose a bit to try and lose altitude at 0:05. A slip is the only way to get down without an overt increase in speed. Cross controlling is fun and proves this captain is a pilot not a typist.