But what about the Tracey Gold anorexia classic “For the Love of Nancy?”
But what about the Tracey Gold anorexia classic “For the Love of Nancy?”
I know you expressed reservations about making the argument, but I cannot let it pass...”heat of the moment?” The provocation was a messed-up drive-thru order....at a freakin’ Taco Bell. People with fuses THAT short truly need to be segregated from the rest of society.
This wasn’t my regular OB. My regular (super awesome) OB had passed away, and I didn’t know about it until I made my yearly appointment. Since the office was a doctor short, and I’ve never had any problems with any of the other doctors there, I figured this guy couldn’t be terrible and just took the appointment.…
Fibroids and ovarian cysts can be a BIG deal. Get a new OB/GYN. For me, it was all about finding the right pill. Seasonal birth control (which I’ve been on before it was “invented” aka back to back pill packs) was a complete godsend. I used to spend 2 weeks a month seriously sick and the other two weeks with random…
Unholy Clots needs to be an all-female punk band name.
Yes, but it sounds like these would last about 20 minutes tops if your flow is that heavy. At $34 (I assume the two-tampon capacity has the higher price) you’d probably need 30+ pair for each of your heavy days, and run several small loads of laundry every day or own about 100 pair. I don’t think it’s the solution for…
My “heavy flow days” require all black clothing and incontinence pads, coupled with dark sheets and a towel layer. These Thinx must be for the delicate flowers who sprinkle instead of gush unholy clots.
Wait, wait, wait. Do fibroids make periods heavier? Is this a thing? Because if it is, everything makes sense now. (I’m not a dumb person, but I went to my OB because of cramping/pain, and he did that whole “eh, you’re probably fine, but since you actually think you have pain, I’ll give you an ultrasound to show you…
Yeah, what happens if I’m at the office for 2 tampon changes worth of time? Instead of disposing of two small pieces of cotton, I need to carry a wet bag and 4 pairs of underware? And can youimagine trying to change them in a public restroom while wearing pants or tights?
I passed clots the size of healthy mice and nearly ruined my cream carpeting. I still have eggplant sheets - refuse pastels! - I was up every. single. hour. to put in two super plus tampons (YES AT ONCE - not comfortable) and a pad - and I still had accidents. If I can make ONE woman sleep well? My work here is done…
I can’t handle walking around with a full pad that I can change anywhere. These sound disgusting as anything other than another layer of backup protection. I would have a larger carbon footprint with these things.
Pre 'pause? I bought Depends to wear at night. Finally stopped making the bedroom and bathroom look like a murder scene. Best sleep I ever got. Only needed about three per month. Wish I'd thought of it sooner.
Plus, I have to change the underwear as often as a tampon/pad? Uh, that doesn’t sound at all convenient. And then, what am I doing with this pair I took off? 0/10
I have been married forever but I was also a bridge-burner.
Hello fellow bridge-burner! I have never understood people who want to be friends with exes.
My husband’s ex wrote him a Facebook message the day we announced our engagement saying “So happy for you!!!!! :) :) :)“ but then like twenty minutes later she posted a video of her singing a mash up of a bunch of Taylor Swift songs, including “You Belong With Me” and “Speak Now” the one where Taylor just straight up…
I make it a policy to burn bridges hard after breakups, so I never got to find out what the exes who matter thought. When I found out my ex-fiancé had gotten engaged though (a couple years before I was happily committed), I went and got drunk and talked mad shit about him and his bride to a sympathetic friend.
I don’t know about him, but I totally flipped when my ex got engaged to a mutual friend of ours. I went to a bar and ended up drinking with red neck comedian Ron White that night.
No way. Your relationship with your ex ended. There’s no need to work your new relationship around your old one, it should be independant. If kids are involved or you and the ex stayed very close friends then that may warrant a more personal announcement - akin to how you might tell your parents, since you presumably…
No. You aren’t dating them anymore, they aren’t family, and it’s none of their business. Why would you?