
This write up gives me mixed emotions. On one hand, I’m thrilled someone learned to drive stick, on the other hand, I can’t believe Jalopnik has (or had) writers who can’t drive stick.

What am I going to hear next? That they want build walls to keep neighboring unruly country’s citizens out?

That’s what they get after naming their car after a fart. 

Now they’re copying our intellectual property laws...typical.

1. Copy a car in China

* Sorry, your social credit is insufficient to drive today. Please go to 5 more party meetings to reactivate your vehicle.* 

Agreed 100%. I never shoot texts while driving, well a part of it is because my Iphone screen is cracked and too lazy to fix it, but man that shit irks me because I enjoy driving and hate being delayed even by 5-10 seconds by some asshole whose paying attention to their phone.  In regards to the speed limit, meh I

If I thought I could pit someone on the highway, it would be you. Bet you're the same guy that slows down when people tailgate. "I'm already going the limit so lets just slow things down because I am the decider!"

Are you running for president? You should, on this platform alone.

Live and drive in California for even a week, and you’ll fully support this feature.

I'd go a step further and have the car shred the driver's license. 

Those Chinese authoritarian influences from ownership are bleeding through.

Live and drive in California for even a week, and you’ll fully support this feature.

The proposed interventions include audiovisual warning signals, reducing the car’s speed, alerting the Volvo on Call assistance service, and finally actively taking control of the car to pull it over and park it safely as quickly as possible.”

With blind spot systems so prevalent now, how far away is technology that can tell when you’re getting passed on the right, and it tells the driver to move over? Preferably, it would have a loud, obnoxious sound until the lane change occurs. I’d celebrate that and eagerly accept it as standard equipment.

His genius was switching to the backup vehicle equipped with full wets...

I mean, what else is there to do?

I think the only answer here is more vacuum cars.

Why fuck me? I’m honestly curious.

Am I the only one that feels semi-skill labor jobs shouldn’t pay too much? Why do people feel they are entitled to a 1/4 acre single family home with a high school diploma?