Nope. Just Tumblr idiots being Tumblr idiots.
Nope. Just Tumblr idiots being Tumblr idiots.
I’ve actually seen a lot of the fanfiction and fanartist people saying they don’t even own the game.
I would argue the opposite. The gameplay makes it relevant.
How dare you tell me how it effects me, you bigot.
It’s stupid. The internet is stupid.
You. Stop.
I never agree with you, but I agree with you.
Thanks to idiots like you, who keep spreading this stuff, this game was spoiled in its entirety long before it came out. Thanks.
Sweet! I love these Reddit-stolen articles :)
Welcome! Thanks for spoiling more Sun and Moon stuff for us! Can’t wait for more spoilers! #salty
Aaaaand right there. Spoilers. Thanks for just putting that right out there. Jerk.
Writers? Hahahaha
I saw this Reddit post too!
I gotcha, Heath. This says “Sombra Sombra Sombra”.
I was happier when Gawker was dead.
It’s in my top 5000, for sure.
Hot take
When Kotaku hires actual writers.