
Because that hasn’t been done before and is never a lazy attempt at humor.

I fart in your general direction.

Wait... why? Dimensions had great minifigures.

Nah, it’s clumsy and hard to listen to. Love the game, love the character, bad accent.

It isn’t even worth the trouble. It is Pokemon Lite Lite Lite Lite Lite. Garbage game, D-.

You’re both wrong. Game Genie, baby!

That’s a personal opinion that’s mentioning your own experience, nothing wrong with that. But your opinion is wrong.

Does she have to be gay? I get the whole stereotypical appearance, but aren’t we trying to get past contextualizing someone based off their appearance? Why can’t she be a hetero girl that likes to work out? How do we know she isn’t asexual? This stinks of hypocrisy.

Buddy, you need to learn to Genji better.

You’re talking like the new Pokemon games are somehow less complex than Red and Blue. Red and Blue are super simple at this point.

Oh stop, you.

Just hop in D.Va’s mech, rocket behind that sucker, BLOW HIS ROBOT BRAINS ALL OVER THE WALL.

Mmmmm clickbait title. Eatin’ it up.

Cannot be evil? I found a Vault with survivors and killed everyone. The game didn’t tell me I was evil, but that was pretty evil.

Miitomo is the clear answer here.