
Yeah, he was saying he would win the Who Has More Native American Blood game. His preceding statement was -

I absolutely love watching him flounder when trying to explain how it’s a “mob” when a group of people, through non-violence, use their collective voice to force change in their country and community.

Can we just step back for a second here? The president of the United States has access to the world’s largest and most expensive intelligence apparatus and  foreign service, and it’s now taken for granted that the best way to get a message to him is to show up on the Fox & Friends couch and address him directly to the

The way the GOP completely controls the narrative in this country while simultaneously stepping all over their own dicks every time they open their mouths is really incredible. They’re very good at reframing reality to make the wealthy white people the victims of the mob rule of gays, minorities, and political

Look at me! I was able to trace my lineage back to someone who left Africa 50,000 years ago, and I was able to pick myself up by my bootstraps. Why can’t everyone else?

I always thought he was full of shit, but his pivot to full-on asshole has me wondering whether he was just hiding it to keep up that folksy patois that networks loved or he just went full batshit.  He seems manic now and permanently carries that rheumy look of a drunk.

Not to mention that the etymology of “Iran” basically equates to “land of the Aryans”, so, all those white supremacists can put that in their pipes and smoke. 

Yeah, the rule of law is supposed to be the ideal that no one is above the law.

You know they don't care.

I know Republicans are masters of projection, but their recent line of attack about Democrats being a mob is absurd. Have they forgotten the Tea Party? Are they ignoring the Proud Boys? The multiple standoffs with the Bundy’s? The Unite the Right rally where someone was literally killed by a mob? I mean these are the

Are you for what they did to Kavanaugh? Are you for having your government run by a mob or are you for the rule of law?

Kasich knows he doesn’t have a future in politics. I bet he’s going to portray himself as a moderate fence-sitter as he coasts into the world of lobbyists for various industries.

Or he uses that trace amount of DNA as a body shield to do whatever the hell he wants to minorities. Can’t be racist if he’s black. 

It’s probably hard to keep up with all of them in this segment, but there was also this fun little racist/stereotyping nugget:

I’m not in the Ayatollah branch?

They’re really trying to milk this Warren thing huh? Anything to cover up Trump’s refusal to do anything about Saudi Arabia and how Congress is bypassing him to enact sanctions on Saudi Arabia.

Plot twist:

Remember when he kept getting trotted out as a “reasonable” Republican in 2016? Between him and Rand Paul, it’s tough to say who has shown themselves to be a bigger toadie among 2016's Great Responsible Hopes. John Kasich hasn’t got there yet, but I’m sure he’ll join in with some top notch insanity once the midterms

Exactly. I’m actually kind of pissed she did this. Mostly because she gave in to Trump’s bullshit.

Ultimately, she shouldn’t have done this DNA test anymore than Obama should have released his birth certificate. The facts don’t matter to roughly 30-50% of Americans. Those Americans wanted Obama’s transcripts after the birth certificate and Warren didn’t accomplish anything by running her DNA. Donald Trump has still