
Alliances are only worth the benefit they generate; if it's between you and your ally, the alliance should dissolve. I don't think Tai would be right to extrapolate from a circumstance that pretty much necessitates betrayal how Anna would behave in the future.

Anna was eliminated because she misjudged the best path to integrating into the tribe. I'm not saying she wasn't disadvantaged but she was eliminated because she mismanaged her disadvantage less well than Tai.

I wasn't taken with the first two episodes (actually I stopped watching halfway through the second) but, for some reason I can't remember, I returned to the third episode and binged the rest. It's more good-natured and sweet than funny (though I tend to find those things mutually reinforcing) and the moments and

The song is explicitly about building a hierarchy with herself at the apex. It is bizarre she's getting traction as an advocate for people going without.

Who says he didn't own one and just didn't wear it?

That story was really upsetting. Please don't do that again.

There's something really significant up and if Moffatt pulls off some season long helter-skelter achronological storytelling I'll respect the effort almost as much as I'll be dissatisfied with the result (I think this season has been awful)

Hugo Weaving once came into the bookshop I worked in during the press tour for Captain America and he started slagging it off as childish nonsense to a colleague.

You're a nice guy Andrew. Thanks.

I don't understand the metrics here. If your conscience is the ultimate arbiter of value, isn't it structurally impossible to "get it wrong"?

Claiming an issue is on the right side of history is a rhetorical tactic that hinges on knowing very little history.

Super 8 did have that Elle Fanning monologue which I'd trade for the entire Stars Wars universe to date.

She was ah-mazing. The entire structure of the film is built around her performance and it was a big part of why both halves of the story work.

I have the impression that it was tipping point for "the joke is they're terrible" sitcoms for lots of people.

That Michael Penn song is perfection.

I thought it was great but I do have sympathy for Tarantino's criticism about the monster. The problem with the monster is that the rules as established -a wraith who appears to you, and only you, as a person moving at walking pace and who won't stop until you're dead or you've passed the curse - are elegant.

The world has too many two-named David Mitchells?

It actually sends the message that what they're doing will result in being struck which is a very different thing. Corporal punishment correlates to lower internalisation of moral values, higher propensity for violence and more fractious relationships between children and their carers.

The long tradition of literary madwomen (and descents into madness that play fast and loose with what mental ill-health is) is a tradition I'd happily see die.

Even her Harper Lee in Capote? It really is one of my favourite performances ever.