Ian Osmond

I don't know why it's freaking you out, but the whole point of the character was that he could interact with objects he was cooking to a much greater degree than any other muppet. He was a Henson-and-Oz puppet, with Henson on mouth, body, and voice, and Oz as both hands. And he can pick up and throw objects.

I believe he's actually Japanese. I seem to remember it being established that he actually is faking being able to speak Swedish, and he's actually from Japan. Certainly, he once fought a cake from Japan.

I really DO see this Kermit as believably a Kermit who's been ground down by decades in show business. He's a decent frog in a hard job, and, like he said, he learned manipulation from the best. The Muppet Show Kermit was naive and in over his head, but managing, barely. The Muppets Tonight Kermit was a frog

It's called "not causing extra pain to people because, y'know, people who are good people try to not cause extra pain to people."

"At bar", not "at the bar". Just to be pedantic about it.

Excellent point. Had it actually been Allison there when her kids were threatened, Pouchy and his pals would be dead from bullets instead of chopped to bits, but they'd be just as dead.

I gave up on them when they shrunk them by 20%, then lied about it.

I remember an interview with Rob Thomas at the beginning of the season where he mentioned that they're just not going to be doing as much with the murders-of-the-week as they did with, say, VERONICA MARS. Of course, season 1 of VM was among the best television mysteries there has been, with an interesting playfair