Ian Muir

While I think your "white feminists" dig was uncalled for, statutory rape is rape. The idea that it's OK because McConaughey is attractive is pretty disgusting.


I've been working hard to get a better understanding of manyof these issues. I've read a lot online, but I still have questions. When I ask a simple question and immediately get shit on, it doesn't make me want to learn more or pay somebody to explain it to me, it also doesn't make me feel bad or

Nothing more awesome than a dude in his mid-forties wanting to bang high school girls huh? This seems super creepy to me, but I may be missing something.

Wait, is statutory rape cool now? Was there an law I missed?

Well this is depressing. I'm glad that we paid a few lawyers millions because a company made a slightly exaggerated claim about their product. I'm now going to file a class action lawsuit against Cambells because I was promised MMMM good soup and it was merely OK. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect restaurant

You might as well just stop. Reading through the comments, it's clear that yvanehtnioj has decided this couples motivations for them.

Now I'm confused on your point. Wrongful birth is a form of medical malpractice. You stated in previous comments that medical malpractice was a perfectly valid reason for a lawsuit.

Which is it? Is this a medical malpractice suit for wrongful birth? Is it a non-malpractice suite for emotional distress? Which of your

Where did anybody say "she never would have had her daughter if she had known in utero that she was going to be black"?

At what point was it stated that the mother would have had an abortion if she knew the race of the child? Am I reading the wrong article?

Did you read the whole text of the suit? It seems that there are a couple of paragraphs from the suit here, but they were selected by the author because she felt they best exemplified her point. That doesn't mean they're the primary focus of the suit. It doesn't mean that they don't represent one of many concerns

I'm incredibly surprised that this is noteworthy. I assumed everybody realized they were probably white the minute they started reading a website trying to make vegan food sound cool.

I think his point was that use of the F-22 in other conflicts, like Libya, could have saved lives. I don't think the author is saying he's glad that we needed to use them, but rather using them earlier would have been far more effective than older aircraft.

This is why I'm baffled. I wasn't trying to shame anybody, I honestly don't understand what this guy did wrong. It sounds like he did follow up on plans, but the Wtfism missed it. Then when he followed up a second time, she was turned off by it, but by her own account, he was polite and they laughed it off.

I agree

Our culture drives lots of us to hope for unrealistic qualities in a potential mate. This graph just happens to highlight one gender's preferences better than the other. I think our culture's obsession with physical perfection for women is pretty bullshit, but I fail to see this data as a massive revelation. Was

I might be missing something, but I'm a bit confused here. I totally get why the messages in the post are just wrong, but I don't see what was wrong about the exchange you had.

You didn't respond to an email after he thought things were going well. You told him why and he laughed it off. I'm just wondering if there

I'm sorry to hear that. In all honesty, my current company and one of my past employers were the only tech companies I've worked at with decent HR. My previous employer outsourced HR, which they specifically did to ensure we had a well informed third party. My current employer just actually cares about employees and

That's the worst part. They know that you're fucked and the only lifeline you have is to take the package and agree to never say anything. Last year, I offered to personally pay the equivalent of a woman's severance so she could pursue legal action, but she felt bad about taking it and went with the package anyway.


At least in the tech industry, I've never seen going to HR ever work. Every woman I know who has gone to HR has either been ignored or terminated for some vague reason soon after. In fact, the one time I saw somebody in HR try to stand up for a woman who was being harassed, she was fired too.

There is a local company

I read regularly, but rarely read "hard" books.

I read to enjoy myself and relax. I often associate the classics and "hard" literature with the incredibly negative experiences I had with English teachers in high school. Frankly, being forced to read the Great Gatsby, Of Mice and Men, and various other depression area

You're good. After reading this article. Feel free to go over to Deadspin.

Then you will quickly discover 2 things.

1) Ray Rice has been suspended indefinitely and dropped from the Ravens.
2) With the release of the video, many of the reporters who were initially upset are still very mad and very vocal about this issue.

This 100%. I spend a lot of time at my local comic book store. There are lots of folks there that don't exactly have an abundance of social skills and inappropriate jokes like this come up from time to time.

The difference is, the staff at the store I go to (and many of the regular customers) will step in an let them