Ian Muir

I'm really hoping we get some more posts like this on Kotaku. We clearly need more geeks to help perpetuate negative stereotypes and promote online shaming. We should get you down to PAX East and do a whole series of posts shaming people based on a combination of interests and stereotypes.

I mean, if you assembled

The RX-8 is just awful in this area. In addition to the issues mentioned above, you also have an e-brake handle the size of a coffee table book and instead of a head rest, you have a big metal triangle.

It's by far the worst car I've been in for any hanky panky, which is pretty bad considering my college girlfriend

This article is exactly why I identify more with Gen Y than Gen X, even though I'm right on the cusp between the two. It's true, both generations got kind of fucked, but there's a key difference.

It's be true that both generations may end up worse than their parents, but only one generation is actually trying to do

The obvious question is has anybody started an internet petition to convince Audi to sell these?

WTH Jezebel! Thanks for stealing stories from other sites in the network. Are the folks at IO9 pissed that you stole behind the scenes special effects footage from a sci-fi film? It's impressive to see how they make a woman look like an alien, but there is no need to try to scoop other Gawker sites.

I think Musk is both correct and wrong.

At the moment, FCV's are shit. Storing hydrogen is problematic, and until we come up with a better system, they're dead in the water.

That being said, there is a reason fuel cells are used in tons of applications. It's essentially a battery that you can refill like a gas tank.

The PT Cruiser. Every PT Cruiser owner I know is shocked to find out I hate their car. They love it. All of their friends at the Bingo hall love it. They've even got sweet chrome accents and fake wood panels on their ride to show how cool it is.

I still hear misguided friends and family wonder why they don't still make

It might be worth noting that Alfred Anaya is in prison and will likely do more time than the drug dealers who used his traps. http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/20…

Be careful if you're an audio installer that builds these. You don't want to get busted for somebody else's misdeeds.

You'd be amazed what a car can handle. In high school, I drove off a 40ft cliff in a 1986 Lincoln Town Car. I got myself out of the car, scrambled up a hill near where I went off, and found a place to call 911. Unless you land on pavement, the ground is more compressible than a tree or other things people tend to hit.


My wife and I generally set a budget, then spend about 75% of it on an item on the registry and the rest on something more personal. Usually the personal item is a small gift basket of things we know the couple likes but clearly wouldn't be a great gift on their own.

For example, for a couple of weddings we got some

We get it. Unattractive? USE SOME SELF CONTROL! Attractive? Feel free to ogle. Nobody gets this double standard more than nerdy guys. We spent every day in high school, college, and beyond watching it.

The worst is that attractive guys get a free pass on many creepy things, then we act surprised when they commit rape.

Nobody said they were bad, just boring.

Improved fuel economy isn't exactly the kind of thing that excites most gearheads. Even the STi is a fantastic, fast monster that looks like a compact station wagon with a hood scoop.

I could see 2 reasons this might not show up in crash testing.

1) I don't believe the vehicles have fuel in them when crash tested.
2) The sleds and cars used in crash testing tend to be blocky. I'm sure my RX-8 could fit under the rear of an SUV much easier than a giant concrete block.

Other than that, I agree with you

Obviously the car implied in the original post should be included. I vote for the Pagani Huayay... Huahaha? Huyuyuyahah? Huuyahah?

Screw it. I vote for the Doppelkuppingthingee.

The contracting issue is a big deal, not only in game development, but in software as a whole.

While I'll admit this story doesn't sound that bad, it also doesn't get into many of the challenges for contractors. For example, contractors generally work under a 1099, not a w-2, so you're responsible for 100% of the tax

That should be Lambo's new slogan.

As an RX-8 owner, nothing here surprises me. I bought it knowing that it wasn't going to be the fastest, but rather that it combined a car that performed like a sports car and could hold 2 kids in the back.

In all honesty, the problem with the RX-8 is similar to the FR-S. It's a great car that is so close to being

Wait, generic rims and family sedan "sleekness" don't get you going?


I think Tesla pretending a $1,200/mo lease only costs $500/mo is pretty desperate. Using a high-mileage drivin' S-Class owner who owns their own business in West Virginia as the example lessee might be a bit of a stretch.