Ian Muir

So true. Many great controllers were lost due to high speed impact after frustrating jumping sections. In fact, I think tricky jumping in platformers is just a ploy to sell more peripherals.

Congrats, you've successfully trolled a 5 year old. :)

It's funny, because we didn't know about the TV show at all when we named him Mannix. That will teach you for not googling your kid's potential name. :)

Now playing

There is a video of the photo shoot posted on youtube as well. It's also worth noting that Mannix helped make most of the costume.

The logo on the nose is the Devanagari symbol for Om [en.wikipedia.org] It's the first syllable in many Buddhist chants and generally symbolizes peace or harmony.

Kill it with fire!!!!

In all honesty, Sync is one of the few things I really like about my wife's Focus. It works suprisingly well with our Mp3 player and phone, if only the car it was contained in didn't need a new transmission every 12,000 miles.