
That’s the spirit! There’s always the next game!

How long have you been waiting on Deadspin for this to post?

I think that we all deserve an apology for that comment.


I like how Deaspin, with this feature, are showing how New Media can deliver straight news so effectively.

angry cardinals fans are the bright point of every day

Well you were right about one thing, you definitely wasted your time commenting.

This is definitely th the right way® to kinja.

Get over yourself? Shit is gold.

This type of response is why these posts exist. Go beat your kids some more.

No Sanders supporter owes Clinton their vote. The onus is on her to earn those votes, and if she can’t, then she’s flawed, not the voters.

Wish all you want, but no primary is decided until CA and NJ weigh in.

I continue to really enjoy this series. Keep up the good work Deadspin.

As long as there’s still 1 ‘best fan’ reading these articles, and irked enough to comment and subsequently cry into their morning cereal, we will push forward. To the very last! Best series in baseball.


Chop this, mutherfucker!

This is like if Drew Magary were a fight.

u mad bro?

The gift that just keeps on giving.