
@Sieker: There are certain things I prefer to use a pen or my finger for than a mouse and keyboard. One good example:

@7 of pi: Wow, I can't believe how people misunderstood what I said. Let me rephrase what I said. You're a genius if you can spot the difference. (You need serious help if you can't sense my seething sarcasm.)

@memarrone: I'm hoping future versions of Mac OS run a *nix backend.

Why can't we all just get a sense of humor...and a huge salt lick since "a grain of salt" is apparently not working.

@Keshie: I imagine this is less of a problem in a booming economy.

@FluxDecapitator: It's not like it's powered by the heart of an orphan (VB reference).

@SeventyTimes7: Ahh, go figure, you forgot your sarcasm tags and I forgot my sarcasm sensing-wits.

@SeventyTimes7: Read "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" or you'll never understand posts involving the number 42, such as this. The whole story is massively funny and this is a way for us fans to enjoy the memories.

@Potato21: The problem with my math degree is I had to read the books 3x to get that punch line. I laughed more about how obvious the joke was than the joke itself.

Six by nine is 4 2.

This show is really getting good...I've watched this latest episode at least 4 times. The drama and thoroughness is compelling.

@buckleyneko: Not in my limited experience. I think ~20-50 miles from civilization suffices.

@tastypotatoes: Well, I find color graphs help if graphing more than one function. There are ways adding color to graphs and mathematics that help. Feynman had a form of synesthesia. He would see different parts of an equation as different colors. With any luck, these calculators will help kids learn math.

Don't matter how fancy the calculator is. You gotta know what you need it to do before it can help you.

@DrZaius: No, I meant a love triangle. Triangle's got 3 vertexes and so I called it a threesome. Made sense to me!

@Nivenus: "I don't think you're correct, given what little we know about the setting, but it's an interesting idea" There's no proof against the theory, yet. I got that impression from BSG where the civilization is even older.

@Nivenus: "religious folk are being portrayed as hellbent on power and personal glory"