
@Manly McBeeferton: Fairly accurate until they go faster than light. AFAIK, modern physics doesn't allow anything to travel faster than light. There was one span in time at the beginning of the universe where the universe itself expanded faster than light, though. (They call it "inflation".)

@DasStan: There wont be any flying cars. Not for several hundred years, I imagine.

@Kogo: I think I used the wrong name for the body part. Basically, just a little further down the shoulder blade than she's carrying it in the picture but still pointed "up".

@Kogo: Maybe...but it would be awkward. How about the small of your back? You know, where if you have an itch you gotta get someone's help to reach.

@Kogo: On your forehead, in the shape of an L

@seanjjordan1: Yeah...I think the correct formula is:

@3picide: Isn't that from a Windows 7 window? I suppose it could be from Vista.

@ads2k2: Also, for the price, I should be able to switch between about 9 colors at the flick of a switch. (Or, it should handle 2 colors natively and come with 2 pens.)

@ads2k2: Not being able to use graph paper is a huge negative. I've got very specific tastes for pens and paper. This doesn't come anywhere near my preferences. That's what I mean by "5 years from maturity". It should really be something you clip onto a pen. No "proprietary paper", no limits on ink/tip types,

@3picide: I know Mac OS does.

@eien: Or you have fat, clumsy hands like me.

This has the feeling of "cool tech that's about 5 years from maturity."

Well the sky doesn't seem to be falling. But our scientific understanding's been challenged. That's usually a good thing.

@EnemaBagJones: I've got that problem. Is it just that part of the case that chips away with time? I've had mine in a spec case since I bought it, so I'm hoping the rest of my laptop is fine.

18 PhDs? There are more PhDs at the grocery store in Los Alamos than their phone design team.

@deciBels: I imagine the 'visible' portion of those rooms is what blocks sounds. AFAIK a (much simpler) Faraday cage suffices to block EMF signals. Most of the cost probably goes into blocking sound.

I almost hope they announce an update to the MacBook and totally kick the media and everyone in the teeth.

@Justin L.A.: Yeah, you probably don't want to be outside very much in either case. I think the humidity keeps it hot feeling late into the night as well? I don't know...I'm a desert creature.

@Ccomfort: I don't know about "the oldest", but I agree it's important history. It's hard to reconcile that part of the US past with the current day.