
I had no idea this existed. I'll sleep easier knowing this is installed on my older machines. Memtest by itself is so insanely useful it should just be installed, period.

@ihityouinthenose: Ehhhh my 12" PowerBook is still going fine after 7 years. (It needs a new HD and it's on a new battery, but that's to be expected.)

Growl rocks. You can even get notifications to go to another computer.

@ProfessorSara: I just realized how poorly that last sentence is written.

Oh, the 1960s: LSD in every water source, and love was free.


"Malfunctions in the Hedgehog pathway have been shown to cause tumors in the skin, brain, blood, and muscle"

@corkyt741: Yeah, paypal always seemed like more of a liability than an asset. I can't imagine how they get away with not insuring accounts against fraud.

It was pointed out in the comments at slashdot that this paper hasn't been properly peer reviewed.

I just can't get myself to 'enjoy' eating eggs for breakfast. I'm one of "those" people. I prefer Canadian bacon. Canadian bacon's usually more expensive, but not by too, too much. (It's also got about 1g of fat per 15 grams of protein, I think.)

I think it was 2005 or 2006 when I quit using ebay to shop. I got fed up with being ripped off or otherwise wasting my money.

@-L-: In my experience with Bose critics, they often complain about Bose's lack of specifications. Everyone else in the industry loves to tell you about how their speakers perform in anechoic chambers. But Bose ignores all that and refuses requests from reviewers.

I had no idea how fast the tolerance can build up.

And not a Borg queen in sight.

@Gameslaya: In the 3-spacial and 1-temporal dimensional universe we perceive, seeing 3-dimensions is the most we can do. But, theoretically, it is possible to create representations of 4-dimensional objects in a 3-dimensional space.

@Sigismond0: Your last paragraph was what I was looking for throughout these responses.

@jeffk: I agree! Here in Nevada, I can feel the humidity at 10-20%. Sure, we get humidity. But I'd say 346-350 days a year the humidity is below 10%.

@kclandon: If you don't like the weather in NM, wait 5 minutes.