
I tried the cold shower technique just now. After my standard temperature shower I slowly dialed back the temp. I took it one, good nudge below room temp. The actual super cold bit only lasted about a minute. But, I'm sitting here nice and tired. There's definitely a method to this madness.

Or just go bald. No wasting shampoo that way!

@stpurniq: yeah, I don't see a comparable post for Mac OS, either. Clearly, we're unworthy.

Call me weird, but I actually like things that look well kept.

@Lotte: I think they look as good or better than the other, period family vehicles. The "government grey" paint job is easily remedied.

@Captain K'nuckles: I agree. Next time, interns of the world, just enjoy an unexplained air of smugness on the forums until after t he big release.

Requiring admin privileges is one step too far. What could it possibly be doing with my resume and admin privs that I would *want* it to do?

Hmm...are there any PATA SSD drives? I haven't found many that fit the bill. I'm guessing that upgrading my PB to SSD would pep it up a bit.

@lewisboy: What? Ignore all the system updates and don't run antivirus? I've also got Scotty installed. Scotty's great, but I don't understand why absolutely every program I install has a toolbar and startup item the program wants to add.

@PixelProphet: Running some free software on an already-purchased, big monitor is much cheaper than buying another monitor.

I still prefer my OS X boot to my Win7 boot, but Win7 is a pretty good OS. Win7 still requires much more maintenance than OS X. For me, the Unix underpinnings of OS X will always beat Windows.

@Platypus Man: What's the difference between the Beta and the full version? Is Access 2010 Beta going to not open queries with more than 2,000 records or something?

@Evan Schiff: There aren't half browsers, but there are more than 10 computers using the internet. Granted, from the title I'm not sure if they mean "browsers" or "computers", but I assume computers in the general.

What am I missing? I thought I had until the end of October to use Office 2010?

@Shiryu: I'd love to use Open Office, if it could actually do what I need it to do. (VBA, excel, access, and so on.)