Ian MacIntyre

I don’t like that he got a second chance at this I’m sorry but it’s straight up bullshit. It can lead to a nasty future where a film could be made and someone can claim “Lolz, not my vision but I’ll fix it in the future with what was intended to happen” Like, no. Your work was already there! The bones of it is yours!

Hallelujah. It's the only one he actually knows. 

But what badly misappropriated Leonard Cohen song would they fuck to?

For some reason, out of all of the wonkiness of the Snyderverse, having Bruce and Lois have a romance is the one bridge too far for me.

Not Elfman’s music at all. It’s more like the kind of music you buy at a royalty free site that is intended to sound like a popular theme, while not implicitly violating any copyright.

That’s not really a hook upon which to hang “this is Elfman music” on.

It’s certainly composed to evoke Elfman’s scores, but the commenter is right: it doesn’t use any of the major themes.

No mention of how we’re apparently only hearing “Kiss from a Rose” twenty-five years later because of this film?

I was 8 when Batman Returns came out and despite my pleas, my parents wouldn’t let me see it. Something about “Catwoman and Batman grind each other while The Penguin bites some dude’s nose off” was a major deal breaker.

Nobody on the Money Plane would ever pay money to watch Money Plane.

Been reading that account for a while now. It’s not all hits, but for the most part it eerily nails down the Cranes’ voices perfectly.

“Niles, why on earth are you wearing two masks?”

To be fair, Frasier is both someone who is smart, and also someone who is also trying to sound smart.

Is Maris still frigid in quarantine?

Aw yeah! Finally! Frasier has had the quarantine fanfic treatment coming for quite some time!